Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast

Life as a Highly Sensitive Empathic Woman

Moira Sutton Season 4 Episode 78

Life as a Highly Senstive Empathic Woman

Love and Relationships 
Health and Well Being 
Passion and Purpose 

Have you ever wondered how being an empath can affect your life? Well, today we have our special guest ~ Jennifer Moore who is the author of her Amazon Bestseller “Empathic Mastery: A 5-Step System to Go from Emotional HOT MESS to Thriving Success.” She is one of EFT International Master Trainers and a mentor and healer for highly sensitive empathic women. Intuitive from the get-go, Jennifer experienced her first prophetic dream when she was 9 years old, and she has been navigating her extra-sensory awareness ever since. She supports intuitive individuals, lightworkers and creatives to use their abilities for good.   

Her mission and greatest passion is to help empaths understand the impact of their sensitivity and to share information and tools to help them shift from psychic overwhelm to a thriving light in the world.

Website: https://empathicmastery.com/

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Intro: Welcome to the Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast, a journey of self discovery and transformation. Moira Sutton and her amazing guests share real life stories, tools, and strategies to inspire and empower you to create and live your best life. Come along on the journey and finally, blast through any fears, obstacles and challenges that have held you back in the past so you can live your life with the joy, passion, and happiness that you desire. Now, here's your Host, Create the life you love. Empowerment Life Coach Moira Sutton.

Moira: Welcome to season four, episode 78, life as a Highly Sensitive Empathic Woman with our special guest, Jennifer Elizabeth Moore. She's an author, EFT master trainer, mentor, and healer. Have you ever wondered how being an empath can affect your life? Well, today we have Jennifer Moore, who's the author of her Amazon bestseller, Empathic Mastery a five Step system to go from emotional hot mess to thriving success. She is one of EFT's international Master trainers, a mentor, and a healer for highly sensitive, empathic women. Intuitive from the get-go, Jennifer experienced her first prophetic dream when she was nine years old, and she has been navigating her extrasensory awareness ever since. She supports intuitive individuals, light workers, and creatives to use their abilities for the highest good. Her mission and greatest passion is to help empaths understand the impact of their sensitivity and to share information and tools to help them shift from psychic overwhelm to a thriving light in the world. So, without further ado, it is my pleasure and honor to introduce you to Jennifer Moore. Welcome, Jennifer.

Jennifer: Thank you so much, Mara. I am so incredibly excited to be here.

Moira: This is going to be so much fun. We have similar backgrounds and we're both on the same page of bringing and shining our light in the world and helping other people do that in their unique way. So, let's start right off. Jennifer, your book. What inspired you to write your book? Empathic mastery. A Five Step System to go From Emotional Hot Mess “Love the title” to Thriving Success.

Jennifer: So, a couple of things inspired me. One thing that inspired me was just that at the time when I was thinking about writing the book, there really weren't a lot of resources for empaths. Now, if you go on Amazon and you type in the word empath, you'll find hundreds of books. But when I was starting to think about this, there were very few resources. I mean, you could find some stuff by Elaine Aaron about being about highly sensitive people and you could find Judith Orloff's classic book, the Empath Survival Guide. But that was about like there wasn't a whole lot. And I kept on running into people over and over again in my work who were talking about struggling with anxiousness, struggling with just sort of feeling out of sorts and feeling weird and feeling uncomfortable. And we'd have these conversations and so often one of the through lines was that their emotional experience did not correlate with their reality, with their current, their physical reality, the logistics, the circumstances of their life. And often what would come out was that the connection that they were experiencing to their feelings seemed to be very deeply connected to being around other people or circumstances or situations that they were picking up on. And what I realized was that so many people who were sensitive, who were empathic, were not necessarily aware of how profoundly this was impacting their life. And so I started getting this feeling of, like, well, I've been kind of working with this for the last, like, I mean, 25 at that point, maybe 25, 30 years of my life. And I realized I wanted to write a book for all of these people that I was meeting, as well as for my former self. And my initial sort of working title was the Care and Feeding of Your Psychic Soul when Living in a Muggle World. Because that was a point where things had not gotten as controversial as they are with JK. Rowling now. But, you know, and so I had this idea of, like, I want to create a manual for sensitive people, but particularly intuitive, like, people with extra sensory perception, and to be able to navigate this. And eventually what I realized as I kept on sort of playing with these ideas was that the common denominator, common factor with everybody that I was talking to, including myself, was that we were all empaths. And so, I spent a couple of years doing some really listening to questions, following the things that were like, people were asking me in my social media posts and really thinking about it. And then one day, I believe I was at a conference, and I was going down the corridor and went into the bathroom, and I'm just, like, sitting on the toilet in the bathroom at this conference, and I get the download of the five-step system. Like, I just get, like, boom, boom, boom. This is the way that it's going to work. And then it was like I was well, I did not hit the ground running. I'd be lying if I said that it was a very the process to get this book into the world took years. So, I wrote it for myself as a love letter to the very, very anxious, very scared, very self doubting, like 1920-year-old that I once was. I wrote it for all of the people that I ran into. And then I also I know you've read the book. You perhaps recall the section where I talk about with the dedication where I dedicated to two people. One of the people was an empath who was on the verge of un-living herself and was ready to pretty much jump off a bridge. And she made a phone call. She called her uncle and said, I'm really hurting. I need some help. And that was the moment of pivoting and turning her life around. The other person was a very, very sensitive person who was struggling with an incredible amount of physical pain, as well as a great deal of emotional pain and a lot of boundary stuff. And unfortunately, her story is not as happy ending in that she just got to the point where it became so hard that she just couldn't keep passing the open windows, and she decided to step off this planet. And I've always wondered with her, would she have been able to do something different if she had had tools, if she had more tools, if she had had more resources, if she had been able to know how not to be taking on the thoughts, feelings, energy, and sensations from the world around her. And I will never have the answer to that. But she really inspired me because she had been a client of mine, not in doing any kind of emotional work, but in my previous glorious career as a tattooer. I had done a beautiful piece on her back that was literally a piece about having an extremely sensitive heart and just being somebody who cares too much for the world. And so, I was very inspired to. I really was. Like, I am going to write this book so that we don't have more KS in the world that we don't have or that maybe I'm sure there's that saying about the little girl who's, like, picking up the starfish and throwing them back into the beach, and somebody's like, why are you bothering? There are too many starfish. And the kids like, yeah, but it matters to that one starfish. And so, my hope is that this book can help some more starfish get back into the water.

Moira: That's a beautiful analogy. Yes, because I know that when I was growing up like you, I was already open at, like, four or five years old, and no one around to tell me what I was experienced. I was very scary. Yes. The first one was at my grandfather's funeral, and I was only about eight, I guess, so close to you, and went around with my father. We're standing at the front door talking to my grandmother, and I could hear the party upstairs, the celebration of him passing and going back to Spirit and how many people were up there. It was crowded, and my grandmother said, do you want to come in? And I went I was, like, shaking my head. And no one told me through all the years how to deal with that. And I always wish I had had a mentor to say, oh, this is what's happening, because there was many scary moments. We lived in haunted houses for years, like all that. And somebody asked me, do you want to be a ghostbuster? I said no, thank you. And Cliff and I, we can't stay in any kind of old buildings. We're both very sensitive to what's going on and they want to talk to you.

Jennifer: They do?

Moira: Yeah, and it's not always in a positive way. I've even had the men in black visit me.

Jennifer: Ha.

Moira: There's a lot of people here will think that's crazy, and I don't really care.

Jennifer: Yeah, no, it's funny, I've heard of them as also the shadow men. Yes, but yeah, when I was much younger, I went through a stage when I was much, much younger where they were hovering at my bed. When I was sort of around the age of 1920, there was a period where they were showing up for a while, but fortunately they didn't stick around. But you're talking about our generation. And I was born in the early sixty s and grew up like, really early sixty s and I grew up so I was like growing up in the was a kid in the there were just we had like one library shelf or I think there was like one shelf or set of shelves with maybe two or three rows in the stacks of books on the paranormal and on extrasensory perception and on any of this stuff. And I mean there weren't nowadays all you have to do is pick up your phone and look on TikTok or look on Instagram or go on the Internet and you can find a million books on the subject. But when you and I were kids, there was nothing like people were not talking about this. And I don't know what your experience was like, but for me I was constantly being told that I was too sensitive, that I was overreacting, that I had an overactive imagination, that this stuff is not real, that this stuff does not happen. Come on. My felt experience and lived experience was invalidated from a very early age. And so, I found myself up against an incredible amount of self doubt because when you're constantly being told your experience is not reality, all you can figure is that there's something wrong with you, that you're broken. And I've seen this to be the case with so many of the people that I have worked with, that I have spoken to, that I've had in groups and classes and just so many conversations about this message of you're too sensitive, you're overreacting. What you're picking up on is not real usually either because people don't want to acknowledge the paranormal or because they don't want to acknowledge their own emotions. But I think the sad thing is that one of the side effects of this or the consequences of this is that when we are told that our perceptions are inaccurate or wrong from a very early age, we doubt our intuition and we doubt our perception. And what's unfortunate is that most of the time in my experience, we were picking up accurate information. And even now I meet people where they get accurate information, but because they were told over and over again, that's not real. You're just overreacting that. They then immediately second guess themselves. They immediately doubt themselves, and they immediately start trying to figure out, like, okay, what's wrong here? What's wrong with me? Why am I picking this up? Why am I feeling this way? What is happening? And take responsibility for stuff that is not theirs.

Moira: So, let's look at that. Because my case, it was, don't tell people about that. You're nuts. And by the time I met my beautiful husband, of coming up to 32 years, cliff, congratulations.

Jennifer: That's a wonderful thing.

Moira: I love him. It's funny. We wrote yesterday, and he was coming into Costco, and I was coming out, and I saw him far away, and I just smiled, I lit up. Kind of like that movie where the commercial where you run together. That's how I feel about him. But when I met him, my brothers told me, because I was 30 when I met Cliff, and they said, don't tell him about any of that stuff. And I said, if somebody can't accept me, and this is at 30, if somebody can't accept me for who I am at a core level, my values, and that then I don't want to be with them.

Jennifer: Exactly.

Moira: And he was on the same page from people he was dating. And he is an intuitive also. But yeah, you have to be yourself. Where do I want to go with this? So, people like that, what's an exercise or a tool that somebody can use if they're feeling to really reinforce that they are channeling or bringing this information in, or this is real for them. Because you work with many people, like you said, that have that self doubt. I didn't have self doubt, but I was told to sort of hide away.

Jennifer: Right.

Moira: I would tell my family, no, it's there, I can see it, I can hear them. So, it was more like, don't share it. But that was the last straw. When I was 30, I said, no, this is me, and I was doing healing work in my twenty s and all that, too. What's an exercise that somebody could start. What would you say to somebody who's having like your students who are having.

Jennifer: I think there's two parts to this in terms of what can we do about this? There is sort of the mental, emotional, energetic part of it, which has to do with working on the messages and the rules that we've agreed to, the family agreements that we've agreed to, the belief systems that we've accepted and dismantling them. And its sort of, as my friend Britt would say, it's a process, not a pill. That this is something that is going to take some incremental, consistent, persistent work of peeling away the layers of the onion and really starting to dismantle belief systems about our understanding of the world and claiming our truth. But what I would say is the first thing that can make a huge difference is data tracking, actually keeping records, actually making note of the information that is coming through. And so, like have a diary. If you get information in the form of dreams, keep a dream journal, and then follow up with it and make a note that if you have a prophetic dream and then something happens three weeks later, note on that page, I dreamed this on this date, then this happened. But just really, I think that there is nothing more powerful than evidence that the information you're getting is accurate by confirming it with that stuff. So, for example, if you were sensing something was going on with another person, then asking clarifying questions, picking up the phone, saying, hey, I was getting the sense that maybe something is going on for you right now. Are you okay? And then as soon as you, you know, and they're like, oh my God.

Moira: I'm so glad you called me.

Jennifer: This is that you can start recognizing when information is accurate and when it comes to the great party in heaven and spirits that might be a little bit harder in terms of, you know, that you're connecting with these people and that they are there, and maybe other people can't see them. But even within that, you could potentially, or one could potentially ask questions of these spirits and then there are things you don't know about them that would be hard for other people to not like. You just go on social media and look it up, kind of questions and then sort of come back to the family members and sort of ask questions about them. And you might not even do it in a way of like Uncle Harry told me, blah blah, blah, blah blah from the other side, but more like, so tell me about Uncle Harry. What did he do with this thing or that thing just to sort of confirm that the information that is coming through is accurate. And I think that the ability to track the information coming in and confirm the information coming in is one of the most effective ways to stop doubting ourselves. Because we have concrete like, you can see it kind of in black and white on paper, this concrete information of like, oh, when I get this feeling, this is usually what's about to happen. When I have this kind, or I had this kind of dream and then this happened. So that would be what I would say. It's not necessarily an exercise because this is one of those things where it's not like we're just like setting a bone. It's like this is something where this is systemic and this is very complicated in the sense that it usually starts sometimes even in ancestrally, where it's an inherited legacy of people with psychic abilities who've been told it's dangerous or to deny it. There can also be karmic things from previous lives where maybe somebody has been persecuted for being highly sensitive, intuitive, psychic, magical in other lives, as well as all of the experiences that often will start in utero in this lifetime that are showing us or teaching us to gird our loins, to protect ourselves, to kind of hide our light under a bushel. So in terms of how do we navigate this, I wish I could say, oh, just do this really simple exercise and it will all work itself out. But with this one in particular, time and evidence as well as personal healing work will make a difference. And if you're wondering, what tool would I recommend for personal healing work, you might not be surprised to hear me say that EFT emotional freedom techniques is the thing that I always love to turn to. First and foremost. Because EFT, which is sort of like a form of mental and emotional acupuncture without the needles, that EFT is a really powerful way to address and clear memories as well as to address and clear messages that have been sort of implanted like those tape recordings that get implanted in us that we just carry around and treat like its truth. And we can use tapping. We can literally tap on this thing that was spoken to us, the phrase you're too sensitive, just tapping through all of the points. And amazingly, one of the questions that people will sometimes ask when it comes to tapping is especially people who are oriented towards law of attraction. And the idea of whatever you focus on is what you amplify. A lot of times people will say, well, if I tap on the negative words, aren't I going to reinforce them? Aren't I going to make them stronger? And the truth is, with EFT, what we're doing is we're breaking up patterns and we're resetting our nervous system and rebooting the fight or flight mechanism, the amygdala in our brain. And by acknowledging that thing that's already there, we are able to clear it. So instead of thinking about it as amplifying it, what we're doing is we're putting attention on the wound and we're cleaning the wound out in order to let it heal really effectively and cleanly. And my feeling is, ironically, when it comes to sort of the idea of tapping on the negative will and expand it, actually ignore like resisting the negative will expand it more because we put a lot more energy into resistance and avoidance than we do when we just go to a place of acceptance and love. And so, tapping is a way to offer acceptance and love to the hardest, darkest, deepest, most challenging aspects of ourself. And by offering that love, allow it to open itself up and transform. So that was a long answer.

Moira: It was, I'm sitting here, you should see I'm writing all this stuff thinking, okay, where am I going to go with this? But very good. By the way, a lot of people might not know that EFT is emotional Freedom Technique. Yes, very powerful. I have a couple of questions from what you just said, that's what I was reading. One, I had a person on who she is a conscious channel for angels and part of her and another woman who works with angels who talks about now that karma. We don't have these chains on us anymore, we're free, we don't have these generational healing that we need to do. We can now move forward. Freedom, which we all want, we can move forward without taking that past. What's your take on that, on karma?

Jennifer: I think that I'm trying to think of how to answer this question in a way that makes sense. What I would say is that I think that what is happening right now is that we are poised in the world in an awareness of the discrepancy or there's like two worlds existing simultaneously right now. There's the world of source, the world of abundance and divine source and wisdom and love and caring and all kinds of good things. And in that world, we are all able and capable of being sovereign. We are all capable of ascending to our higher nature. And in that world, love is stronger than anything else. And karma and fear and all of these other things are merely illusions. However, there is another world that many, many, many people are still stuck in and that is the world of the void. That is the world of ego, that is the world of scarcity. That is the world of human greed and for lack of a better word, sin. And that is the world where we are, where fear is infectious, it's epidemic and things like limitation and lack and believing that we are bound to long, long lines of ancestral misery and that we are bound to karma that still exists there. And so, what I would say is that what I believe the angels are saying is you do not have to be this way anymore. There is an alternative. There is another way of looking at the world. However, for some people, they've not flipped the switch. They're still just mired in all of the toxic mental emotional terror that exists, being able to and I think the thing is, in my experience, spirit and the angels exist outside of the constraints, the illusions of time and space. Therefore, for them, it's really easy to simply say there's no longer any karma. But for human beings who are still really in the state of nervous system dysregulation and inherited family trauma and legacies of abuse that have been passed from generation to generation to generation and particularly where there's, like, active substance abuse going on. Active emotional and physical abuse going on. It's sort of like what the angels are saying is true, but it's not necessarily easy.

Moira: No, definitely not. All this comes to doing the work, choosing to do the inner work. And you talk very much about being 100% responsible for our lives as a biggie, and that can be pretty scary for people that, oh my God, I'm responsible for my life. But if you really shift into realizing you are the person sitting in the helm, you get to choose in every moment. Or I call it Nano moment. Or Nanosecond.

Jennifer: Right.

Moira: You get to choose that. Play your story, you can rewrite it, who you want to be, who do you want in the play, the room, the lights, the sound, all those things. And when you really get that, that you get to choose even at a little level, even if you think you're so busy you can't take a moment for yourself for that, just even a little moment every day to start changing and creating these new habits for the good of for you?

Jennifer: Yes.

Moira: And not comparing yourself to others, to really realize that you came here, you're a unique soul, and you have your soul blueprint. You came here for a reason and to play a big part. What affects the bigger picture?

Jennifer: Well, you're saying a couple of things that really jump out at me about this.

Moira: I think we both could do that.

Jennifer: Yeah. One part of this is that I really believe that change and choice is incremental and that choosing freedom, taking back our freedom of choice, is not like you go from being in a horrible, let's just say worst case scenario, homeless, domestic violence jobless, just like, sick with something. Like everything in your life seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. You're not necessarily going to go from that experience of just pure misery to suddenly living a five-star life in the Riviera. Choice and the process of changing, I really believe is incremental. The other thing is that sometimes, especially when we're first starting to engage our choice, activate our choice, be able to think about choice in a new way. We are not always the thing is that choice is not the same as the choice is not necessarily the same as I'm trying to think of being happy about the choice. I think that we often mistake choice for consequence in the sense of, I've heard people say I don't have a choice when what they're really saying is, I do not like the consequences of my choice. I do not like what I don't like the options that I have, because if I choose this, I'm going to be stuck this way. If I choose that, then I'm going to do this other thing. Like, for example, say you have a mother and their kid. They've got a toddler who's been teething for days, and they're having a meltdown. And the mom is just like, oh my God, if I hear one more whiny, screamy, wailing, moany thing, I am going to lose it. And so, the mother is placed in that position where she's got a moment of like, well, I could just pick myself up and go outside for five minutes. Or I could just get in my car and leave and leave the toddler in the middle of the room. And the thing is that, yeah, that's a choice. You could choose to get in the car and leave the toddler in the middle of the room, but there are consequences to that. But the thing about this is that being faced with two lousy choices is better than thinking you have no choice at all. Because making the better of the two lousy choices opens our world up to better and better choices. Because choice, in some ways, like, if we just keep going towards the glimmer, if we just keep going towards the choice that feels the more aligned thing. It's almost like as we recalibrate away from there's a book that Starhawk who is this magical, amazing, magical woman who's written a number of books about Neopaganism and witchcraft and just the reclaiming of goddess, of sort of the goddess worshipping and Earth centered spirituality. Her first book was called The Spiral Dance, but she wrote this fictional novel called The Fifth Sacred Thing, which is one of my books I absolutely love. And she talks about the idea of there being dual worlds. There's El Mundo Bueno, the Good World. And there's El Mundo Mao. Which is the Bad world. And the idea of when we and there's a skim, a membrane between the two worlds, there's this membrane. And when we are really in alignment with El Mundo Bueno, that membrane is very, very thick, like ice, like ice in the dead of winter in the furthest northern reaches of Canada on a lake. But then there's times where, because of actions and choices we are making, where the membrane or the ice becomes very thin, and it becomes much more precarious. And what I believe is that it goes both ways. As we keep on making choices towards the more aligned, towards that glimmer of light, that possibility, that what happens is the choice. It's like we are sort of navigating. We're kind of moving the path further and further and further into El Mundo Bueno and further or divine Source. Like we're moving further into the life of source. And therefore, our choices, it's like our choices get our options get better and better and better with our choices. But it often will start with even the idea of let's go back to that mom and that toddler who's having a meltdown. Yeah, she could decide to get in her car and just be like, effort, I'm out of here. I'm going to take a break. I can't do this one more minute. Or she could also say, you know what? I'm really having a hard time right now. I think I'm going to go lock myself in the closet for like a minute and just try to decompress. I'm going to pick up the phone and make a phone call and just let. My BFF know that I'm just about to lose it. But I also recognize that this child is that I choose not to live with the consequences of leaving this child in the middle of the living room for the next 2 hours because this is not a choice I want to make. And so instead of being I don't have a choice, I can't help it, I have to stay here for this child. It becomes I choose to stay here for this child because this is the better choice. I choose to do this because even though it's hard, even though it sucks, even though I don't like it, I don't entirely like it. I am choosing this. And by continuously recognizing that we are choosing something, even if it is not optimal, there is an empowerment to it. And I am imagining, as you were speaking, your 33-year marriage. I'm imagining that you and your husband choose each other every single day. I am imagining and I know because my husband and I are coming up on 22 years of marriage, I know that making that choice, there are days where it's like you are a jerk, but I'm choosing you anyway. And then there are days where it's like you, I love you. I can't imagine making any other choice because you are so wonderful. But I do think that anything that really matters, there are times where we choose it despite itself.

Moira: Thank you. I think the bottom end with that is there's power in choice.

Jennifer: There is so much power in choice.

Moira: And this show is about the people that come on, it's all about inspiring and empowering our listeners in our community to live their best life on their terms.

Jennifer: Yes.

Moira: So, there's power in that.

Jennifer: There is. And I just want to say it is an incremental power in the sense that if somebody is listening to this and they are feeling stuck and feeling backed into a corner, the choice in many ways by owning your choices, the choices do get better and better.

Moira: Yes. And even if you don't choose to do something, that's a choice.

Jennifer: It is a choice. It is a choice. But there's something about the difference between, I think between the unconsciousness of not doing anything and not acknowledging that you're not doing anything and acknowledging I'm just flummoxed right now and I'm choosing not to do anything. That's a very different thing. And I do think that there is something about free will and choice and human beings and being conscious in choice versus sort of letting sort of our subconscious make the choices for us. And then often the universe sort of like being like, oh, you're not listening to the messages that we're giving you or you're not listening to yourself. Fine. We're going to have a little encounter between you and a tick or between you and a car accident or between you and a propane tank that you get to smash your head on. I mean, I find that if we do not acknowledge our choices consciously, even if we're saying I just don't even know what to make as a choice, that in my experience, the universe will become the agent of change and the universe will push your hand if you keep on avoiding and keep on avoiding and keep on avoiding. At least that's been my personal experience.

 Moira: Well, you and I talked at the very beginning, and that's definitely it, because you talked about things like manifesting a wake-up call or a crisis in our life or a health challenge or a financial or whatever it is, like you said, the propane. I had one just recently, and it really was saying to me, wake up, it's time. And it got my attention because it scared the **** out of me, my fall, my cut and everything, and I'm still shaky from it. So, it's just I'm being very kind to myself, and I meditate and I pray, and I have my own rituals with flowers and plants and being in nature to calm me and to keep me in that state. There's a few places there I want to go from that many things in your book that I loved and thank you for your book.

Jennifer: You're so welcome.

Moira: Yeah, you have so many great questions and exercises in there that people could just open up and go there and do. And what you were just saying with choice, you have things about shifting your energy, like questions like, how does this benefit me? What is it that I'm actually getting from this? What am I learning from this? How was this challenging or changing me and helping me grow? And lots of tools for releasing that. Those things I think are great. The questions we ask ourselves and to allow the answer to come up, not jump to it. Like, I know I asked a question in my meditation a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't like the answer. I thought, no, that's not the answer I want. I was thinking, and I was sharing it with Cliff. I said, I know that was the answer, but I didn't like the answer. But I asked, and I honor it. But you also have with that saying that with your breathing techniques and living plants, as I just said, what I do with that you have a breath exercise. Is that something you could share now or just have people guide it to your book? People love exercises on this show. They like tools.

Jennifer: Awesome. Which exercise? I mean, there's a number I believe there's a number of breathing exercises, one of the simplest breathing exercises. And what I want to say is, I want to have a caveat on this, because one of the things that I've been learning since I wrote the book is that if somebody's nervous system is extremely dysregulated going into deep breathing can actually almost like you got to kind of get back into the body before you can go into some deep breathing exercises.

Moira: Great point.

Jennifer: And so, one of the things that can be really good is just actually like sipping water, paying attention to the sensation of the water going into your mouth, mindfully, noticing what it feels like for the water to go down your throat. This is a technique that can allow us to get back into our body or going outside, standing on the ground, stomping your feet, feeling yourself in a place. But then also instead of doing just an inhale and an exhale, a box breath, which involves pausing between the inhale and the exhale, can be a lot more grounding and a lot more effective to sort of calm our nervous system down than just an in and an out. So, what I really love to do is I love to put my hand over my heart and just pause for a moment and then inhale. And what I like to do is think of the quality that I want to be experiencing. So inhaling peace, inhaling calmness, and then holding it for like 4 seconds and then exhaling any tension, any worry, any stress, any concerns that you may be carrying around. And then holding out that exhale for about four. And then again inhaling that calmness and that peace. Holding for four and just really letting yourself settle, feeling your body and the surfaces that hold you, exhaling out any tension or worry. Holding out that exhale again. And then again inhaling that peace and calmness. Holding that peace and calmness inside and just feeling yourself settling, letting your whole body sink in and land, letting yourself feel gravity exhaling out any last static tension or worry. Pausing and just continuing to breathe in and breathe out. How is that?

 Moira: I feel like a nap.

 Jennifer: Yeah.

Moira: Very good. And it's interesting, a simple exercise like that. We were taught that in school, right? Oh, my God. I'm a Reiki master. You do Reiki also on I do, yeah.

Jennifer: I'm also a Reiki master.

Moira: Yeah. And my crew and a Reiki Master and I gave tools to our son when he was little, when he had nightmares or was scared, I gave him to set up in his room so nothing could come through that. And if we had those kinds of tools instead of going through what we went through so that's lovely. I love that. I want to talk about protection because way before, when you said something earlier on, I was writing that down again. It's very important. We both know that. Because if you're inviting someone in or someone's coming into your space spiritually, let it be your conscious channel or psychic or medium or whatever avenue you're going, you want to make sure that the person who's coming in is who they say they are. Not a trickster or someone else that thinks, oh, this person I could trick. Tell us what you do for protection? I know you have the bubble of light, which is great. I saw that in the book.

Jennifer: Yes.

Moira: What's something you could share around protection and how important it is to do that.

Jennifer: In my experience, protection has sort of there's so much to this. I know there's two components to protection. There's the energetic protection of really being there, of really being mindful of our filters and shields, of developing a more robust aura, of really having sort of a system in place that is acting as a filter. And so, in terms of the question of how do I know what's coming through is accurate, I sort of imagine that the filtering system, that the bubble of light that is around me. There is a filter on the outside of it that there is sort of almost like it's got like a set of keys or codes on the outside that only allow certain people or certain energies in. Like there is a calibrated frequencies that are on the outside of this filter which means that only things that align and are actually that frequent excuse me, that frequency are allowed or even capable of getting in. Sort of like I kind of imagine that I've got bouncers at the door that are checking your ID. And personally, I have used the term good and clean. Like when I call anything in, I always tell it to come in good and clean. But I also have sort of this attitude of like the thing is a trickster cannot fake a frequency if their frequency is misaligned. And you have erected a system of only this can come in, only this can come in. Like you're dialing and you're saying this is the frequency of love, light, joy, compassion, kindness. This is the frequency, only this can come in, then what I would say is it does not serve us to be worrying about negative entities or dark things like in general. And one of my mentors, this amazing woman, Joanna Hunter, who is from Scotland, talks a lot about while, yes, we want to be mindful of protection, we don't want to become so obsessed with the scary boogeymen that we're protecting ourselves from that we actually amplify that. And so, it's really important to be aware of protection is better we're better served when we are talking about what we want to call in as opposed to what we are trying to block out. And a lot of it is what is the frequency that I am calibrating to? And that that is like the only stuff that's allowed to come through. It's kind of like, you know, those, like, Fisher Price toys when we were actually not when we were little kids, but maybe the next generation or something were little kids, but where you had these shapes that were maybe like a star and a square and a circle and a triangle. And then there were, like, slots where you had to fit the star through the star hole, and you had to fit the circle through the circle hole. Fit the triangle through the triangle hole. You couldn't fit the circle through the triangle hole. Each one of these things could only go through the hole that it was calibrated to. And that is what I would say about energetic filters and shields is that if we calibrate the frequencies, if we say we have the codes of what we want are on the filters, then we are calling in only that which can fit through those channels or those portals for those frequencies. So that's sort of the part one is that it's all about the energy, but the other side of protection in my experience, and this is something that I think a lot of where people don't necessarily give enough credence to because we do tend to focus so much on the energy of things. But there's also the strategy, there's also the logistics of actual boundaries and of the choices that we make to do what is right for us. And so, it can be things like not respond, like putting your phone on Do Not Disturb at seven or 08:00 at night and being like radio silence, no, I'm not available for phone calls. Not responding to the text from your drunk ex, knowing that you have a say. The other day a friend asked me if I wanted to go see a performance of actually a Fiddler on the Roof here in Portland and it would have been wonderful, I would have enjoyed it. But I was teaching a four-hour class the next day, and I knew that if I was up really late the night before in a crowded environment watching a play which would have gotten me very overstimulated and kind of all jacked up, it would have really compromised my ability to be 100% on as a teacher in the next day. And so, I basically had to put away the little bit of people pleasing that was trying to be like, but she'll be so sad. I was just like, I would love to do this, but I've got a class the next day. I cannot risk losing my energy because this is my priority. And so, giving ourselves permission to say no to the things that are misaligned, allowing ourselves to say, this works. This does not work. Because I don't know about you, but I will definitely say that probably nine times out of ten, all of the debacles and crises and challenges that I have come up against in this lifetime have been a direct result of my ignoring or overriding my instincts and my boundaries and often doing things because I'm trying to please other people or just I'm not honoring my truth. Protection for me is as much about honoring my truth and holding it, really upholding it and keeping it. It's as much about that as it is about any kind of energetic filters, shields, and protection.

Moira: It's holding that sacred space for yourself.

Jennifer: Yes.

Moira: I have in my office here, we talked earlier, we overlook the lake, it's a sunroom and everybody, I would say I got this egg chair, hits my meditation chair and it's like the best place to go and just sort of take yourself back into that calmness.

Jennifer: Yes.

Moira: Even our kitty cat has found it now. I know that sort of segue from what you said. There is a connection for me with that.

Jennifer: Yes.

Moira: Jennifer, can you read an excerpt from your book about you traveling down the healing path? Because I like people just to hear you had like four key points there. Really nice.

Jennifer: So, I wrote, as I have traveled this healing path with myself and others, I have come to believe that every choice we make is an attempt to reach for something better. Real healing happens when we embrace our true self, warts, and all. We are innately resilient and capable of healing and most pain is temporary. The keys to moving through it are acceptance and love.

Moira: I love that.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Moira: Yeah. Self acceptance, self love. It all starts with self love.

Jennifer: It really does. I mean, it all comes back to love. Love is I have my ringer on my phone, which I've had for years is Todd Rundgren song love is the answer.

Moira: Yes. I was just thinking that when you said it. Love is the answer. Love is the way love is away. And, you know, I have that in my book that's coming out. I'm finishing it this summer, but I have it sung by John Denver, that song. So, when you said it, I love it. I cry every time I listen to it because it just speaks to my soul. So that's a beautiful reference. Jennifer, please share the gift you would like to give to our listeners today. All the links to the gift that'll be written in there, how to get that gift for so many listeners and also how to connect up with Jennifer will be below in the show notes. So if you can share that, Jennifer.

Jennifer: So, I believe you and I had talked about giving away some copies of the book, didn't we?

Moira: Yes, we did.

Jennifer: And so, I'm just trying to think about how I'm thinking I'm going to be really generous. I'm going to give away 23 copies to the first people who reach out and you can go for an addition for anybody who's interested in getting some resources. I have a really lovely eBook that you can go to empathizensitivity.com to get that. And I also wanted to mention that I do have a free Facebook group where I teach master classes. I run every full moon. I have a master class that I teach that's a good, solid two-hour class with a lot of tools, resources, information that really, it's not just a I'm going to sell you something at the end of it. It really is like it's a standalone class and by jumping over to Empathicsensitivity.com, then you can be part of my list. You'll get the special eBook as well as access to my Facebook group. But I'm just thinking for the first 23 people who reach out to me and what I would say is probably I'm lousy with email. Like I am lousy, lousy, lousy with email. And so, I'm going to actually ask people to reach out to me through one of the social media channels. So, send me a PM. Through Instagram, which is Adam pathic mastery. TikTok, which is you guessed it, Empathic Mastery or Facebook Empathic Mastery. And say that you heard me on this podcast and that you are interested in claiming that hopefully you'll be one of the 23. But just PM me and I will hook you up with a book. I was going to say it. The good news is also that I have codes that work internationally. So, unlike the Amazon, like a Kindle copy where it only works in the country that it's originated from. The book system, the system that I've got is accessible to any country in the world.

Moira: That's wonderful. 23 books is very generous. And these are for the people who that they subscribe rate and share the show this episode with Jennifer because it builds our community here, as you know, with your podcast show, Jennifer, and it just supports in up levels, reaching out with our message for people to live their best life.

Jennifer: So, I'm going to add one more thing then, which is you need to send me a screenshot that you subscribed and that you rated, and you reviewed this podcast so that I can see you dead at. And then I'll give you your candy reward after you have sent me a screenshot that shows that you have done that.

Moira: Yes, it's really being part of the community. That's exactly how I see it. Yes. That's perfect. Jennifer, thank you so much for sharing from your heart and soul your wisdom on life as a highly sensitive empathic woman. Namaste.

Jennifer: Namaste.

Outro: Thank you for listening to the Heart Soul Wisdom podcast with Moira Sutton. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please join our community@moirasutton.com and continue the discussion on our Facebook page. Create the life you love. You will be part of a global movement connecting with other heart centered people who are consciously creating the life they love on their own terms. Together we can raise our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and for our planet.

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