Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast

Bonus Episode: Endings & New Beginnings ~ The Sacred Journey of Life

January 01, 2022 Moira Sutton Season 2 Episode 45
Bonus Episode: Endings & New Beginnings ~ The Sacred Journey of Life
Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast
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Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast
Bonus Episode: Endings & New Beginnings ~ The Sacred Journey of Life
Jan 01, 2022 Season 2 Episode 45
Moira Sutton

Endings & New Beginnings ~ The Sacred Journey of Life

This episode is dedicated to you ~ my guests and listeners, thanking each one of you for being part of our community.  It's New Year's Day 2022.  Wow!  Happy New Year! 

I invite you to really look at what you want to co-create in 2022 and make this the Best Year of your Life ~ Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.  Moira shares exercises and mindset to create the life you love, on your terms.  She also shares her sacred journey in the last  year and to Dream Big.

Website: https://moirasutton.com/

Create the Life Community: https://www.facebook.com/CreatetheLifeyouLove1/

Reiki Healing Sessions: https://moirasutton.com/long-distance-reiki-healing-session/

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Endings & New Beginnings ~ The Sacred Journey of Life

This episode is dedicated to you ~ my guests and listeners, thanking each one of you for being part of our community.  It's New Year's Day 2022.  Wow!  Happy New Year! 

I invite you to really look at what you want to co-create in 2022 and make this the Best Year of your Life ~ Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially.  Moira shares exercises and mindset to create the life you love, on your terms.  She also shares her sacred journey in the last  year and to Dream Big.

Website: https://moirasutton.com/

Create the Life Community: https://www.facebook.com/CreatetheLifeyouLove1/

Reiki Healing Sessions: https://moirasutton.com/long-distance-reiki-healing-session/

Support the Show.

Welcome to the Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast, a journey of self discovery and transformation. Moira Sutton and her amazing guests share real life stories, tools and strategies to inspire and empower. You have to create and live your best life. Come along on the journey and finally blast through any fears, obstacles and challenges that have held you back in the past so you can live your life with the joy, passion and happiness that you desire. Now, here's your Host Create the Life you Love, Empowerment Life Coach, Moira Sutton

Welcome to Episode 45, Endings and New Beginnings, The Sacred Journey of Life.

Let your thoughts wander, and let them just unfold. Don't judge them. Just write them down and have fun again, you can get crayons out and do coloring and just allow it to flow from your heart and your soul. And remember to dream big, let go of that how, you know sometimes we think something has to show up a certain way a certain time with certain people. And we limit ourselves by doing that versus being in the void in the place that sometimes we can go to in prayer or meditation and just be open. And from that place of emptiness.

The universe wants to help you by co-creating with the universe God, your higher self, whatever that is for you to bring what it is you want to manifest.

And then you take when the opportunities and people show up and they will take inspired action towards the fulfillment of your desires. Many of you know that my monthly newsletter, which I've been writing for over 13 years, that I'm also very fascinated by many things, but also astrology.  I love the number this year 2022 representing this new year, I've interviewed people on the show all about angels and one thing I've learned is that numbers can reflect Angel numbers. These ever current sequences of numbers that have spiritual significance according to numerology. Seeing a repeating number is like your angels pointing to you to let you know that you are seen heard and you're so loved.  They are trying to get your attention and the numbers they send have meanings. You are the beloved.  Cherish your uniqueness of who you truly are. Your story. Your life matters. There's only one you and only one life have you celebrate you.

Looking back on the last year I feel so grateful for so many experiences, the amazing people I've met in so many areas of my life both professionally and personally. To my guests I want to thank you for sharing your wisdom and your life's journey with our listeners to our community I'm so

I'd like to sidestep here and share a story of how the heart soul was in show was birthed and how it all began.  Heart Soul Wisdom was first live 13 years ago.  I had a vision to create a show that would inspire and empower people worldwide to create and live the life they love, which is the theme of the work that I do ~ my passion and my purpose and has also morphed into the add on tagline ~ on your terms, which was very important to me, for you not to compare yourself to other people. really speak to your own uniqueness, your own dreams and desires.  You know, wear the clothes you want to wear be the way you want to be. The brilliance of our earth is to celebrate our diversity and as unity consciousness.  That is very important to me and part of the show and it's a core message express the uniqueness of your beautiful heart and soul. So the show was birthed live taping, makeup, driving to different locations for the shoot. We co-produced the show with a film crew live with the B-footage. There's 20 shows still on a hard drive and I feel this is the year that I'm going to birth that part of the show and share this with my community.

So my core message again continues to be the same.  For you to live from your heart and soul and my guests to share ~ to inspire and empower you to live your best life.

If you dream it and desire it, you can have it anything. I've been told also through the shows if you go back to the people I've had ~ one guest, Adria in particular, how there's no more shackles for us. We are truly free. The freedom to be us, to be you to be heard, to be seen, to be free.

In my personal life, as many of you know, my family has moved down east to Nova Scotia.  As I'm recording this today on New Year's Day, I'm looking over on the lake Missy, it was iced over the other day, I was even told by a neighbor that their dog was barking and could have been barking at a bobcat or a wildcat. I am so excited about this new adventure of Bobcat in our backyard. We are on a lake in a little cove. It's just beautiful and we are so with nature.

I'm at peace here. I've found our little bit of heaven. It was a leap of faith moving here. We didn't start by looking at Nova Scotia. We looked all over. We looked at PEI, New Brunswick, we looked north of Toronto. We came down here because we we had the intention and held the intention of nature, land, community quietness, peacefulness, and a new adventure and lifestyle. And that's what we got. We didn't know how it was going to unfold, but we kept looking at homes and we ended up being here. And we're so grateful.

My mom who's 94.  She moved with us and that's a big move and our whole family. I have no words of appreciation. It's in my heart and I can feel that when I get tears welling up. It's my soul that I'm connected with.  Now, with that being said there was difficulties and challenges moving here.  But we've never been happier. For me that's about being in a space of faith and trusting knowingness that all will unfold perfectly in your life or in the country. And when we arrived here, our neighbors in our little cove greeted us with home baked goods, wine, cheese rolls, homemade crackers, and so much more. We've never been so welcomed into a community. They would walk up our pathway. We don't have a driveway, it's all little stones. Again, I love it. It's different. In our garage is not attached to the house, you walk out there to get things and we can just be outside with nature.

Our real estate person who helped us find our home along with Eva. His name is Marcus Sampson, he left a bottle of Nova Scotia champagne and a gift certificate which we didn't know how much was on the card but it was $100 for an evening out to a restaurant of our choice.  Clif and I celebrated November the second, our 30th wedding anniversary, we went into Halifax and we had a night out of a wonderful restaurant there called the "Bicycle Thief".  See, it's very well known here in Halifax. What a treat. Thank you, Marcus.

So there's no sidewalks here. We love walking down the country roads, waving to our neighbors, people we now know and people we haven't met yet, or we don't know. They wave back and you feel connected. There's a connection community here. It's our little bit of Heaven on Earth.

We also have a crow family around our home, this is new for us. We hear them calling, they feed the crows and the winter bread and different things. And to let you know, crows represent an amen of change. They're messengers. They're very smart, and intelligent, telling us about the creation and magic that's all around us every day. If we just open our eyes to that.  And it's available for us just for the asking.

I'm told that our angels ~ if you ask for something they are and you keep asking, if you ask for something, they want to be there to help you. So again, dream big, what is it you want to create in all areas of your life in 2022?

I know Cliff and I have purchased a program through Robin Sharma, a person I wanted to in into view many years ago when I had the Success Breakthrough show on TV.  And we didn't get to interview him, but he's quite the character and a very inspirational leader in the world of transformation. And we're going to work in through his program to get very clear of what we want to create in our life.  So I'm sharing this with you, but I also do it.

The other thing about a crow is that have that striking black color. And that represents the black, the color of creation, again, when I told you being the emptiness and incoming to fill in the emptiness because the universe wants to fill it up with what you want. It is a womb out of which the new comes into existence, blocks the color of the night, giving birth to the light of a new day.

That's a great segue into, you know, we had 2021 and now the beginning of 2022. Last year with the pandemic. And then now we have Omicron it's been very challenging for all of us on some level personally and as a collective.  With that being said, again, we get to choose the power of choice and focus. How we look at this experience. How have you grown? What have you learned?  By going within and quieting and not being chatter, chatter, chatter, we can hear from our heart, what that is. There's a crow that just flew by I was just looking at him there around us all the time.

I choose to see the last year and this year as a gift.  I think there's a gift in every opportunity challenge. Good times, hard times, difficult times, there's something there an opportunity for us to really go deeper into our hearts. What matters to us most. Ask yourself, What does matter to start to journal.  Allow this to unfold. So you can focus on that that power of focus every day. I believe the time is now for us to discover what this is in all areas of our life. And I believe in you.

I'm taking a deep breath because I so appreciate each one of you.

Thank you for being part of the heart soul wisdom community.  I invite you to share, like, subscribe, and share it with people you feel would benefit from the show.

The sole big purpose is to inspire and empower you to create and live the life you love on your terms.  We're coming together as a community to raise the vibration and consciousness of the planet to heal humanity and our beautiful mother earth.

I'd like to come to the end of this episode with a quote from a beautiful card Cliff gave me many years ago ~ he gave it to me to celebrate several courses I had completed.

I'm not sure the person who wrote this, it has an E at the front in a very designed form. So if this is where the E went.  "Each ending opens the door to a new beginning. Here is the perfect time to pull up anchor sail away from familiar shores. Catch the wind in your sails. Set yourself free to explore, dream and discover."

So much love and light and gratitude. Namaste.

Thank you for listening to the Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast with Moira Sutton. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please join our community at Moira Sutton calm and continue the discussion on our Facebook page Create the Life you Love. You will be part of a global movement connecting with other heart centered people who are consciously creating the life they love on their own terms. Together we can raise our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and for our planet.