Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast
Welcome to the Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast. A journey of self discovery and transformation. Moira Sutton and her amazing guests share real life stories, tools and strategies, to inspire and empower YOU to create and live your best life!
Come along on the journey and finally blast through any fears, obstacles and challenges that have held you back in the past, so you can live your life with the joy, passion and happiness, that you desire with Create the Life you Love, Empowerment Life Coach, Moira Sutton
Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast
Awakening to Higher Consciousness & Healing
Awakening to Higher consciousness & Healing
• Love and Relationships
• Spirituality
• Mindset
• Health and Well Being
• Freedom and Fulfillment
• Passion and Purpose
Gayle Thomas is an expert in the realm of higher consciousness and metaphysical healing. She brings a unique blend of deep wisdom and practical guidance to individuals on their path to self-discovery and awakening. As an established channel to the Extra-Terrestrial consciousness 'Tarp', Gayle offers profound guidance to those in pursuit of enlightenment, healing, and personal growth. Her mission extends beyond mere communication, as she empowers individuals to awaken their consciousness and unearth their inherent capacity to channel and heal.
She is an ordained metaphysical minister and her expertise is steeped in personal experience and academic research. Her triumphant journey of naturally and alternatively healing from cancer is testament to her commitment to holistic wellbeing and personal resilience. This powerful experience, combined with her extensive work with clients worldwide, lends authenticity and depth to her teachings, often described as ‘life-changing’.
Building upon her research, in her upcoming book ‘Awakening to Channel’ she has created a practical roadmap for individuals seeking to connect with their Higher Selves and channel their own Guides.
Gayles Website: http://www.gayle-thomas.com
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Specal Private Audience channeled Q&A from Tarp. Please email me at:
moira@moirasutton.com to be part of this special event.
Moiraa's Website: www.moirasutton.com
Long Distance Healing: https://moirasutton.com/long-distance-reiki-healing-session/
Intro: Welcome to the Heart Soul Wisdom podcast, a journey of self discovery and transformation. Moira Sutton and her amazing guests share real life stories, tools and strategies to inspire and empower you to create and live your best life. Come along on the journey and finally blast through any fears, obstacles and challenges that have held you back in the past so you can live your life with the joy, passion and happiness that you desire. Now. Here's your host. Create the life you love, Empowerment Life Coach Moira Sutton.
Moira: Welcome to season five, episode 101 awakening to higher consciousness and healing with our very special guest, conscious trans channeler of TARP, Gail Thomas. Gail is an expert in the realm of higher consciousness and metaphysical healing. She brings a unique blend of deep wisdom and practical guidance to individuals on their path to self discovery and awakening. As an established channel to the extraterrestrial consciousness, TARP Gail offers profound guidance to those in pursuit of enlightenment, healing and personal growth. Her mission extends beyond mere communication as she empowers individuals to awaken their consciousness and unearth their inherent capacity to channel and heal. She is an ordained metaphysical minister and her expertise is steeped in personal experience and academic research. Her triumphant journey of naturally and alternatively, healing from cancer is testament to her commitment to holistic well being and personal resilience. This powerful experience, combined with her extensive work with clients worldwide, lends authenticity and depth to her teachings, often described as life changing. So, without further ado, I'm so happy. It's my pleasure to introduce you to Gail Thomas. Welcome, Gail.
Gayle: Hi. Thank you for having me.
Moira: Myra, thank you for being patient. This is the moment you and I get to have our heartfelt conversation, which I'm so excited about.
Gayle: Thank you so much and thank you for such a lovely introduction you gave me. I'm really honored to be here.
Moira: Oh, you're welcome. I could have gone on, but then I realized we want to dive into these, so I thought, oh, I better shorten that one. Gail, I would love to start by you sharing your personal journey of how you came to channel and following your cancer diagnosis. What happened? How did that open up for you and how did you step into really, the belief that you could heal yourself?
Gayle: Yes, I think it was all born from fear, Moira. I think that having cancer was so scary for me that I knew that I had to reframe it and turn the energy of it around or it would get the better of me. And I experienced, it felt almost like a very dark energy come into my body in the name of fear, just being absolutely petrified, mostly because I am a mum to two girls. And I just couldn't get my head around the fact that I might not be here for them. So, I knew that I would have to put everything I had into turning my life around and doing whatever I could do to run in the opposite direction to what had got me to the place of experiencing cancer. So, I embarked on a full-time project. I decided not to go the allopathic way, but to instead put all my time and energy into something else that would be holistic and spiritual. So, I decided to work on the basics, the foundational things like nutrition, sleep, exercise. And then I worked on my breath meditation, including lots of prayer and mantra and affirmation. And I journaled a lot. I did a water fasten. I did quite a bit. I did intravenous nutrition. I did a lot. But it's actually the work sitting on my own and meditation, where I started to have dialogue with myself and be in a place of surrender and sort of giving myself over, if you like, to let go and let be. Whatever was it. Whatever was coming to me, whatever I needed to learn, basically. And it was in one of these experiences that I had a Christ experience. And this was the first time this had ever happened to me. Nothing like that ever happened before. And it was tangible. It was overwhelmingly beautiful and humbling, and it made me cry with joy, actually. I felt Christ come all around me, and I felt him lift my hand off my lap. It became his hand, and it placed itself over my breast where my tumor had been. And I felt my hand go into my body, and I felt it healing. I felt his love and his energy all around me. And it was such an unbelievable presence. It was the most humbling thing I have ever felt in my life. It was flooring. It floored me. It took my breath away. And I repeated the experience the next day to try and get it back. I repeated my meditation experience in the hope that I would get this visit from him again the next day. And he did come close, but he didn't come around and inside my body the way he did on the first day, he stayed close. And then I felt my thinking change. I felt that I was thinking telepathically that I was. My. My thoughts were being loud and echoing into a vacuum, and I could hear responses at the other end of my questions. And this progressed the day after. I felt another presence near me. I felt Jesus near me, and I felt another presence, which was tarp, but I didn't know who they were at that point, but it felt very benevolent. And from that day, onwards. Every day I progressed with Tarp. I began every meditation with Jesus, will you be near me? And I only seek beings of light or beings of a higher conscious than my own to lead me and to guide me. And eventually it remained being tarp. They revealed themselves to me or their name, and I started a dialogue with them, which eventually ended up in spoken words and gestures, with my hands and movements with my head. And that's where we are today. It stays the same, pretty much. I'm a sort of a vocal verbal channel. I have written a book channeled. I've channeled them and written a book, so it can come in the form of automatic writing, but pretty much what I do is channel verbally now.
Moira: Wow. Now, I was going to ask you, but you already said it there, that you literally set up before you do your meditation that you say about seeking higher beings of light to lead and guide you. Because I know a lot of people have asked me through the years things like, is there a practice you do to protect yourself? How do you know that that's tart? How do you know it's not somebody else? But that's the way you, do it?
Gayle: Yes. I mean, I did have some awareness with practicing meditation, especially reaching out and asking for help. The way I did with my practice in the beginning was to always make sure that I was aware of the coherent feeling I was feeling inside and to ask for Jesus to be near, to be close. Once I'd had that experience with him, I felt very trustful of the experience and the continued benevolent and blissful feeling that I had. So, I always paid attention to the way I felt. And this was particularly important, Moira, because, you know, in the months before, I had had this horrible black tar feeling of fear come over me, and it felt like a very dark energy that would fill my tummy and make me feel so petrified and so despairing of my situation. So, I was very aware of how heavy or denser energy or energy that wasn't serving me felt in my body. And, you know, I very keen to just stay on the lighter side of things. You know, definitely not be in an area that I wasn't comfortable with. But that's really important that you ask that question, because I do see it as a very relevant topic to us today, being exposed in our everyday lives to. To lots of interference and electro smog and EMF and media and disinformation, hustle and bustle, and, you know, there's a lot going on out there. So it's actually quite a relevant topic for today, especially if you are seeking to channel or connect with your higher self or other enlightened consciousness, just to check what the energy feels like to you.
Moira: I know, like you're saying what's happening in the world right now, and there's violence and war and, you know, horrible things happening. You know, I know at times that I take that into a dream state, that I have fear, my dream state, or my life's in danger, and I feel like I'm picking up on what's happening in the world, watching the news or whatever, and I don't watch the news very often, but just to literally let it go, like you're saying surrender, let it go, and just look at the highest all the time being, that type of expanded consciousness.
Gayle: Yes. I think there's a lot of processing that happens when we're asleep. And this is something that Tarp have told me that our minds, that our thinking minds, they very much work in a linear way and are filtering, filtering out so much information, fragmenting and distorting a lot of stuff that comes into our mind. And, you know, we filter it through a particular lens. But there's a higher self, there's a wider field of consciousness. I mean, there's the whole of our body that our holistic self that processes so much more information that is nonlinear and multi dimensional. It's just that our mind filters so much of it out of and sees what it needs to see. Whatever we are telling ourselves, I mean, including our belief, belief structures that we've set up for ourselves, so we can wire ourselves to see the world as a good place, a scary place, or a negative place, but it's all about the way we're constructing our view of the world. But there is so much more information all the time. We have a, you know, a whole part of our self that is processing so much more. And for us to, I'd say, enlighten ourselves as we move through our lifespan, it's quite essential to learn a common language, a common language that is multi dimensional and that can be understood or bridged by our daily working mind and the, you know, the whole of our mind, which is non compartmentalized. You know, you talk about sleep and processing stuff that you're, you know, you're encountering during your daytime, but that common language is feeling vibration, you know, the nonphysical stuff. And that's what if we can learn to filter the energy around us in our waking life, then we are learning to master the energy that we're exposed to, and we choose to move forward with so we can actually shape and master our lives by managing the energy that we expose ourselves to or the way we deal with the things that we're exposed to. And that actually helps us to feel more in alignment with the wholeness and fullness of who we really are and actually would help with the dreams and would help with the, you know, the fragmented parts of ourselves, like the subconscious mind, and would also help us to sort of join the dots so we could think more multidimensionally and experience more multidimensionally, you know, meaning that we can feel more, we can intuit more, we could become more empathic, telepathic, communicable, you know, be aware of our channeling abilities. There's so much there to unpack.
Moira: I'm sorry. No, not at all. Not at all. You also say about that when you say about, you know, this compartment of human consciousness and how it prevents us from perceiving trans dimensional consciousness and how it's so important right now to overcome this. Now is the time. What's your belief around that, Gail? Like I know you believe you've shared, just as we talked, that everyone can, because we're already channeling, we channeled ourselves into this body, but we can talk about that. Why do you feel that now is the time, that it's so important that we learn this now?
Gayle: I think now is the time because so many of us are feeling a calling or not knowing what to call it, but are feeling something, are having awakening symptoms, whether that is just the external things that we have seen, lots of things that we have never questioned before have been broken down and deconstructed before our very eyes in the last few years, in terms of our health and our monetary and our governance systems, to our media and our information sources, it seems to be deconstructing before our very eyes to show us that there is more than meets the eye, and it is becoming more embedded in our awareness that we have these wider field abilities. It is not so hard to wrap your head around anymore. The idea of someone being a channel. I don't think it needs to freak anybody out anymore. I mean, it would freak some people out still, but I think it's easier to wrap your head around the fact that this can be a natural ability, that this, in fact, is what humankind looking at. Ancient civilizations have always had practices that used consciousness in a much more fluid way. If you look at shamanism, that still happens, but has happened for millennia over all places across the globe. If you look at the aboriginal communities and tuning into their song lines, understanding. If you look at the megalithic buildings and structures around the world, you know, the kind of energies that have been harnessed, I think people can see that there have been communities and civilizations that have been able to tune into nonphysical energy or forces or understood how to harness it, to channel it, to use it as a tool for their physical life on earth. And I think that this why it isn't so much for bridge to get there in your mind now, to think that this might be so far out of reach that, you know, you can have heart coherence, you can have law of attraction as an idea and a concept from the wonderful Esther Hicks. I think she's kind of made it much more understandable how this like attracts like phenomenon works. So, I think people are much more aware of how the nonphysical world can affect you and how we all affect each other. And given that there have been so many catastrophes happening, I think people feel a greater need for coherence, for something bigger than what our I. Our systems have been presenting to us. So that's why I feel that now is the time. It just seems like the perfect storm for the perfect awakening.
Moira: It's lovely. Gail, do you feel there? It's very important to have, like, the polarity and this dualism. Like, you know, there's love and then there's. I don't want to use the word evil or hate, but just two areas. There are. There's light, there's dark, there's up there, down. Do you feel this dualism that we're to step out of that now and walk into this unity consciousness? What's your take on that?
Gayle: Yes, I mean, I feel that it is a natural and intrinsic part of our experience that we have chosen. And I'm not sure how quickly we're going to step out of it, but I think it's a process that we are becoming more aware of that is there to serve us, that. In fact, what I've learned from Tarp is that all of it, including the not so good, the bad, the ugly, the inconvenient, frustrating, is there lovingly to guide us towards the light? And if we didn't have that in this structure of existence, we're in, being on earth and being in this kind of physical dimension, that we wouldn't have anything to help propel us forward. And it is a spur or a trigger for our evolution. In fact, I would say definitely for me. But having some adversity in my life has been an agent for my growth. So, in fact, you could look at it as a godlike agent, ushering us forward, if you like, to more expansive consciousness and more enlightened ways of living. So, yes, I think it's all part and parcel with what we've chosen to experience.
Moira: Thank you. Do you believe that we can be living several lifetimes in the moment, like we could be living right now, and then there's a part of us living another lifetime? Another lifetime? Or do you think we just have the one lifetime each time?
Gayle: Actually, I think it's the first thing you said, that we have multiple experiences multidimensionally. So, in a nonlinear, multidimensional way, it just because we're so fragmented from the source of where we come from, that we are quite lost in this field of physicalness, this physical world, where we can just see lots of things that we can bump up against and feel, contrast with. But I. I do feel that we have shut off, we have compartmentalized consciousness. That doesn't allow us to see the multidimensional aspect, should I say, and instead allows us to see life in a linear, physical, time space fashion, so we can seemingly move through life with progression, with something happening, sequence one thing after the other, but in fact, it's all happening in a one time. Well, this is what Tarp says about it. There's a one time, which is now. It's now time all the time. And everything exists within that one space, that one consciousness now. And the access to that is by attuning to wider fields beyond our five senses. And I don't think it's all possible in one go. And I don't think maybe we can perceive it all in one go, but we can get flashes and we can get attunements, and we can get intelligence coming through that is beyond our usual everyday scope that hints to that.
Moira: It's lovely. I would love you to elaborate on in your book. It says, all of creation is in perpetual motion and is perfect at all points, generating infinity infinitely from the one and ceaselessly. Ceaselessly. There we go. Seeking the knowledge of itself is one. I love that. Can you, can you share your insights in that? About the growth? Yes.
Gayle: Yes. I think it's. I mean, it speaks about a journey of love, actually. The seeking to know itself, so longing, that longing for the union, so the splitting of itself infinitely, so it can know itself infinitesimally from different viewpoints and angles, so it can learn and grow and come back in unity. So, I think that we as human beings experience that longing and that joy that comes from being in love with another human being is a fulfillment of that blissful feeling from knowing oneself fully. So, it's, you know, in a sense of a love that you experience with another person is giving you an inkling or a glimpse of that blissful, joyful feeling of fully realizing yourself as an ultimate unitive God self. For I think that all human beings, there is this sense of separation because you're in this sort of physical avatar body and it feels separated because that's all you, all you experience with the data coming from your senses and your physical body, unless you shut those off. And you can close your eyes and you can feel it within, non physically, the union. But I think it's all about God experiencing itself in different ways. And that's what brings me back to what I said before that all of the things, even the good, the bad and the ugly, they're all put there lovingly. So, you can feel the separation grow and pivot from it, springboard from it, and come back to knowing yourself in an even greater, more blissful way.
Moira: Beautiful. Yeah. What is an oversoul and the shared purpose of evolution and themes? Because we have a blueprint. I believe that when we come into this body, there's a theme that we're working on, and that's my belief, but I would love to hear your take on that. Um, and how does the oversoul play into that? And what is it oversoul?
Gayle: Um, I guess I'm not an expert, but, um, I know, uh, a little bit from the way top have written about it in the book that you have a, um, your, your physical self, replete with ego self, and then you have your nonphysical counterpart self, or your higher self, the nonphysical divine I am being. And that springs forward and is managed by a group soul, which is what you're saying, oversoul. I think there's just a similar expression, which is, how would you call it, an impulse to experience, as you say, a theme and project through different streams of consciousness simultaneously, as there is only one time but the now, to experience different viewpoints, different fractals of consciousness simultaneously. So, I think that it's possible for you to tune into that, attune to that, if that's really what you would like to do, to get glimpses of other experiences that you are affiliated with, or you can see if you can try and resonate with that and have some kind of intel swap or glean some intelligence or knowing or understanding from that. But even if you don't want to. I believe that that is a situation that we are existing in multiple streams of consciousness. I was going to say place is there. And I nearly caught myself out with the whole idea of space and time. You know, I have to keep an open mind that it may not be in a linear experience of space and time, but I think that's also possible that there can be use in other areas of earth and in other cultures and, you know, male, female, child, uncle, mother, son, you know, incarnated, you know, simultaneously as a different person within the same family or in a reciprocal or dyadic kind of position to ones you've had before. I don't know if that makes sense. So perhaps if you were a murderer once. You know, I'm being a bit crooned here with stereotypes. No, but, yeah, so I think that that is possible. Yeah, I agree with you, by the.
Moira: Way, I didn't say this at the beginning. So, tart, by the way, do you feel like a collective? Like, can you feel how many people are in that who are communicating with you as tart?
Gayle: No, I can't. Yes. You know, there are some channels that are incredibly specific, and I believe that the. The collective of tar, they refrain from a lot of the detail, because they don't either. It's not there because they're not with a body, by the way. I do know that they are unindividuated, but I feel that they're more of a consciousness rather than a detail, living on a specific planet with a specific kind of hair color or a body structure. So that kind of detail, I don't really get. It's not really featured in what they share with me.
Moira: Thank you. Let's look at this. Let's talk about perfect, whole, and always holographic. I find that very, very interesting. Can you explain about that? Being a holographic?
Gayle: Yes, I think a good way to explain that is, you know, the y'all being within the all. That's actually not a good way of explaining it. Sorry, that sounded even more vague.
Moira: No, no, it did. It made sense.
Gayle: I think it's quiet, you know, the problem with these topics is it's very easy to get limited by the words that are used. And this is where we can get tongue tied in trying to explain something. It can then kind of cap it or limit it. But just as I said that we are God experiencing itself from different viewpoints, different feelings, different experiences, different kinds of energy in different, not just times and places, but dimensions. This also kind of relates to the idea of us being holographic, so that we may not feel it sitting here in our nice human bodies. We feel like we're just a human body. And, in fact, you probably feel that it's just you in this world, and I can feel like it's just me in this world, and we're just talking to a screen on our computer, but in fact, it's, you know, as tarp. Explain. God is in everything. God is in tarp. God is in you. God is in me. God is this conversation. God is the feeling between us. God is the words. God is the breath of the listener. God is everywhere and everything. And in every fractal of beingness or consciousness is actually the union and perfection of the whole. I think that might be the best way I can describe it today, us being whole and holographic in nature. So even though we may not feel like it, we are everything stringed into our beingness right now. And we can tap into that if we can shut off the senses and we can begin to attune to and pick up on wider and wider fields of being. But I think really, love, the vehicle of love, is the biggest revealer of God and the holographic nature of all that is that unitive, binding force that shows that we're all flowing from the same energy.
Moira: That's beautiful. I love when I hear the authors read their work, and on page 89, you talk about expanding into love and abundance. I think that's a nice segue about we're love. Could you read that for us?
Gayle: Yeah. Spanning into love and abundance.
Moira: Yeah.
Gayle: Oh, yes. I know what you mean. Yeah, here goes. Expanding into love and abundance. Many of you desire to channel higher states of consciousness and even create meaningful, enlightened engagement with other independent beings. Raising your consciousness will allow you to open to such things and gain higher wisdom and knowledge. Doing so will not only positively impact your life, but also the lives of others. Most wonderfully, you channel the divine aspect of yourselves. When you extend love and kindness to others, transcending the confines of the ego, there is much fun and excitement to be had. There is no end to what you can perceive, create, produce, and channel. This includes material wealth, health, success, and fulfilling relationships. As we have said, we do not wish to prescribe how you must channel or what you should expect to experience, because experience is unending in plentiful. This is for you to co create with all that is.
Moira: Thank you. That's so beautiful.
Gayle: Thank you.
Moira: I know that in reading your book, Tarp talks about that many of us, and I know this in my coaching practice throughout the years that people, they're questioning what's my life purpose? What's my. They kind of know their passions or they explore them. But what's my life purpose? What's my life purpose? What does Tarp say about that?
Gayle: Having life purpose? In fact, yeah, it's funny you say that moira. I think it might be the number one question I get when I have questions from clients or when TARP get questions from clients. The purpose really is not to get hung up on the purpose. I hear that a lot from them. But to actually feel and be in touch with the divine energy that flows through them so that they have finger on the pulse of what divine spark or divine inspiration is coming through them. If they can integrate this nonphysical message system into the physical world, which is channeling, by the way, then you are able to live a life that creates spontaneous meetings, success, synchronicity, what you might call luck, or lining up of the things that you want. Following the inspiration will bring you along the path to everything you want or everything you are wanting at that given time. Because that will be a moving canvas that will change as soon as you get things answered and things that you have desired. New things will open up and create for you along the way. But it really is about channeling that divine aspect into the physical world, being that transducer of nonphysical energy and applying that through the physical body and through the intellect out into this physical manifestation world platform that we see, giving value to each other, creating value for yourself and putting things out there and interacting with people in what they call loving action, in loving ways, in creative and valuable ways.
Moira: Thank you. I know. Yeah. You're so beautiful because you also mentioned in the book which really spoke to me about how compassion is vital to see beyond the immediate reaction, lessen the difference we might see in the world for us to really, like you're saying here, like be love, see love, see our like connect with people like that. We're not different than someone else. We're more similar than someone we might think on the outside, just that we're all connected and we're never alone. We're always loved and guided.
Gayle: Yes. Yeah.
Moira: No, no, no. I just was getting into the feeling that can we, can we have you channel something that talk would like to share today? That would be a huge gift and thank you from my heart.
Gayle: Of course. Go ahead and ask them a question. I'll just take a few minutes. Sorry, less than a few minutes to tune into them. 1 second. Yes, we are at top. We are pleased to be with you, blending our energy and our consciousness with this now of your now time. How may we be of assistance to you?
Moira: Thank you. I think my listeners in this community would like to understand. A lot of them are very interested in channeling and connecting with you and other beings. Do you see this being part of our evolution to grow and to come to a place of peace and harmony?
Gayle: Oh, yes, absolutely. This is a vital and essential part of your beingness in your experience. Now. In fact, you are, as the channel has mentioned before, already processing much wider, you could say, influences, information, conversations than you are aware of. You may get glimpses, you may have some recollection or experiences of it held within your dream time or held within your subconsciousness, which tends to often suppress or invalidate, just so you can and curate an orderly experience of your daytime world. However, we have always been in contact when we say we others, other than your knowledge of yourself as you know it, there has been constant contact with human beings over all periods of time, and there is now. There is nothing new and there is nothing really to wait for, apart from what you might consider a tangible meeting of sorts, which may not actually look like what is dressed up to be in your Sci-Fi movies. But one thing we say about that, for contact to happen, is that we need to be more compatible with the energy and the frequency that you are giving off, especially around the ideas, seeing as you were speaking of lessening the differences, especially around the idea of fear of the unknown and fear of what may be with contact or fear of what the other may appear like to you. We understand that there are many other kinds of consciousness, other kinds of being out there that also have body or without body, that if they were to approach you, you may feel tangibly a presence of some sort, but it may feel overwhelming or discombobulating to you. You may feel a presence, but you may not be able to see it. Therefore, your working thinking mind will not be able to understand it. Your consciousness is compartmentalized, and there is much that your ego and your thinking mind may not see because it has never seen it before and does not understand it multi dimensionally. However, the rest of you, the whole of your body, the holistic whole self of you, will understand it and does understand it. And this is what we mean when we say contact is happening to you a lot of the time already. For you to be able to integrate such experiences. By that we mean accept, acknowledge, feel tangibly in your waking cognitive mind that contact is happening. You would have to be more integrated with your consciousness, more fluid between waking mind and sleeping mind and subconscious mind. More integrated. Come to terms with things that you are burying or repressing that you might be fearful of, such as traumas or things that you may have fears or phobias about. This is, again, where we say about listening the differences of things that may frighten you. For if you can overcome what you see and what you understand to be superficial differences, you would make it a lot easier to find a common language where you can make contact with other kinds of beings, other kinds of consciousness. Does it make sense?
Moira: Thank you. That's beautiful. Thank you very much.
Gayle: Yes.
Moira: When it comes to, as we call it, death and the transition out of this body, do you share that people choose that moment in time when they want to leave planet Earth or anytime, they're in a different beingness that we choose. That's our choice, yes.
Gayle: You may not feel that you are choosing it because you are attached mostly or aware mostly of the normal thinking, day to day mind that we describe. However, the larger part of you on a larger nonphysical level is fully aware and engaged in the process as it was engaged in the incarnation into the physical body in the first place. It never ceases to be. There is an infinitesimal experience happening with different projections into different forces of manifestations of beingness. Is that making sense?
Moira: Yes, it does. I know for myself, I remember many lifetimes and at times I miss those lifetimes and want to go back and be with them. And I know I can do that through meditation and that. But just to be present in this earthly form right now, but also know that I can go to these other planets and be with these other beings.
Gayle: Yes, this is lovely. And if you are feeling strong resonance or strong pull to a certain kind of beingness or a certain vision or a certain longing to be in a certain place, this indicates that there was much harmonious and happy resonance in a certain kind of life and incarnation, so to speak. Many people have and experience these longings while in a being in a human body. They may be to certain regions or areas on earth or certain kinds of ways of life. Or they may be something externally off of the planet Earth and into different regions or ideas of being in outer space or in other kinds of extraterrestrial bodies. This is keenly felt by many, many people.
Moira: Oh, that's beautiful. I know that I once shared with someone that it was in a dream state, but galactic ships came down and you can almost touch them. There were many, many in the sky. And I remember turning to someone saying, why are they here? But I had a very connection with them. But people talk about to me, and I don't know about this one, that sometimes they're within our realm and sometimes they're not. Is that correct?
Gayle: Well, sometimes you are able to perceive multi dimensionally, and this is a case where you are, you are describing, filtering a lot of information out, but this is some information that there is bleed through. We are having bleed through right now with the consciousness of Gail as she channels us. You are bleed through into your dreams when you take them into waking memory, into your normal waking day. That is what you consider to be lucid dreaming. But this is bleed through. And this is the beginning signs of integration, where we speak about integration of consciousness, having a more fluid consciousness which enables you to see through different veils, if you like, into different spheres of consciousness or beingness or dimensions. You might be used to that word where you can glimpse things that other people cannot glimpse or you have not been able to see before. Now, this is a tangible experience which is happening a lot to a lot of people. We are praising you and would like to encourage you to continue to seek this kind of fluidity among different compartments of your consciousness. Join the dots. Try to bring in intention into your dreaming state. Try to bring back memory from your dream state into your normal waking day. Try to look at, even though we appreciate it may be uncomfortable, but try to uncover, shine a light on things that you are suppressing in your subconsciousness. There may be deeply held, suppressed fears from this current or other lifetimes which you are carrying in the energetic body. All these things, if you can make them a seamless flow of experience and knowledge and intellectual consciousness, we would say you would make your consciousness more fluid for the next part of your life, which will only mean that if you can begin to be experience multidimensionally, you can begin to enjoy the benefits of multidimensional living, which is having more things go your way in your physical life. For you are understanding how things, well, rules can be bended, bending the rules. Things can line up for you the way you want without having to see big wait times or slogging to get things, or struggling to get things, or waiting or having a challenge or things not happening or working out the way you want. This is all illusion, heavy, heavy energy, which is heavy baggage. This can be shed quite easily when you learn to think multi dimensionally because you have literally a foot in all worlds where you know that all is possible. For your thinking is nonlinear then, and is multidimensional quantum, you could say.
Moira: That is beautiful and very exciting.
Gayle: Yes.
Moira: Thank you so much. I don't know if there's a message you'd like to pose with us, and then we'll talk to Gail directly. Again, thank you so much. So much gratitude and love.
Gayle: Oh, thank you very much. Our message is simply to just go easy on yourself. Do not get distracted. Stay on your path. Follow your unique signature energy. Operate in life being aware of the nonphysical energy that comes and projects through you. It is truly unique. Make your unique path to you, however, feels best to you. It doesn't have to be in a particular way or shape. It just has to feel right to you. Trust that the feeling of right is right. It is actually perfect. Just follow the feeling. Thank you very much. We offer you our unconditional love. Goodbye. Thank you.
Moira: Thank you.
Gayle: Yeah, thank you.
Moira: Hi, Gail. Thank you so much. That was beautiful and very exciting.
Gayle: Yeah, that was short and sweet. Yes.
Moira: Nice to have them come through, and I appreciate it. And I know our listeners will appreciate that because this audience is extremely spiritual and this will answer a lot of questions for them and guide them in such a beautiful higher consciousness and vibratory level. So, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Gail. You're such a beautiful person. And to share for me, I feel like we just touched on something. And as you know, in the future, I may be creating another show. We're coming to the end of this show of five seasons, but I would love us to connect up again, for sure, and just see where you are on your path and where you're going with two daughters and your husband and the work that you're bringing into the world, as I know you're bringing in another book, awakening to channel. That's coming out soon. So, we will put all the links for people to. To connect up with you and the work that you do in the world and your beautiful writing. When I read this book, the Book of Tarp, you know, a channeled text, every page was written so beautifully. Like, just so beautifully, like, what you channeled. And I was, like, just taking it. I had to put it down and just take everything in and let it integrate because it was so powerful. So powerful.
Gayle: Thank you.
Moira: I know you're also sharing. Oh, you're welcome. And I know you're sharing a special gift with them today. Would you like to. All the links to you and the gift will be below in the show notes. Do you want to share that? What your listening audience with yes.
Gayle: Thank you. It's been a real joy to connect with you two. And actually, it's been very. It's been a very authentic experience chatting with you. Very calming, actually. And my whole body feels very calm, and you have a lovely energy. Really nice to share with you. Yeah. I do have a special offer for your audience today, a 10% discount on anyone who is seeking to have a channeled session with Tarp, their first channeled session. I'd be delighted to offer that discount. And if you're thinking about it, of course, you can always book a discovery call with me. There's a free 15 minutes discovery call if you want to check out what a private channeling session could mean or any of the other things that I offer, because I offer channeling training and spiritual coaching, things like that. But I really hope I get a chance to speak to you again. It would be nice to have a private audience with your listeners as well, if that's something you'd like to organize.
Moira: Wow, that would be wonderful.
Gayle: Yeah. And I hope we get to do this again one day, because it's been a real joy connecting with you. Thank you for the word.
Moira: Thank you, Gil. And literally, thank you today from sharing from your heart and soul your wisdom on awakening to higher consciousness and healing. And it's been a joy to meet you. So much love. Thank you.
Gayle: Thank you.
Outro: Thank you for listening to the Heart Soul Wisdom podcast with Moira Sutton. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please join our community at Moira Sutton and continue the discussion on our Facebook page. Create the life you love. You will be part of a global movement connecting with other heart centered people who are consciously creating the life they love on their own terms. Together, we can raise our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and for our planet.