Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast

Creating an Energetic Healthy Lifestyle

Moira Sutton Season 1 Episode 4

Health & Well Being
Passion & Purpose

Sandi believes health is all about cultivating health because life is about living long, happy, healthy lives and enjoying a Life with Zest! She is fiercely committed to inspire and empower busy professionals to restore their minds and bodies, and discover their best paths through nutrition, busting food myth mysteries, utilizing mind-body strategies and how to create a healthy lifestyle. It all comes down to adopting new strategies and mindset. Sandi set out on her own personal life journey, to learn everything she could about health & wellness, and how successful people integrate this into their lives. Now, she helps female entrepreneurs & thought leaders - rock both their business and personal lives while looking and feeling great doing it!

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast.  A journey of self discovery and transformation. Moira Sutton and her amazing guests share real life stories, tools and strategies to inspire and empower you to create and live your best life. Come along on the journey and finally blast through any fears, obstacles and challenges that have held you back in the past so you can live your life with the joy, passion and happiness that you desire. Now here's your host. Create the life you Love, Empowerment Life Coach Moira Sutton.  

spk_0:   0:41
Welcome to episode #4, Creating an Energetic Healthy Lifestyle with our special guest certified fitness nutrition specialists Sandi Jacobs.  Sandi believes that health is all about cultivating your health because life is about living long, happy, healthy lives and enjoying a life with zest! She is fiercely committed to inspire and empower busy professionals to restore their minds and their bodies and discover their best paths through nutrition, busting food myth mysteries, which we're going to dive into, utilizing mind body strategies and how to create a healthy lifestyle. It all comes down to adopting new strategies and mindset.  

spk_0:   1:39
Sandi set out on her own personal life journey to learn everything she could about health and wellness and how successful people integrate this into their lives. Now she helps female entrepreneurs and thought leaders rock both their business and personal lives while looking and feeling great doing this.  

spk_0:   1:59
So, without further adue, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Sandi Jacobs.  Welcome Sandi!

spk_0:   2:08
Whoa ho? I'm so excited to be here. Moira,

spk_0:   2:11
This is cool. We got so much to cover and so much great information for our audience. And thank you very much for being here.

spk_1:   2:19
Well, thanks for having me.

spk_0:   2:22
I want to start off  Sandi with How did you really get started in this health and wellness world and you know, how did you get to be so passionate about this? Tell us your personal story and journey,

spk_1:   2:33
Oh Moira, it started really early with a mother who really was a revolving door in and out of the hospital. And then I had an uncle with diabetes pass in our house, then dimentia, cancer, heart conditions, and they all ran in my family. And so I grew a passion to learn about health And how to stay healthy. Uh, because it was all around me.  

spk_1:   3:00
That would be scary.

spk_1:   3:00
It was.  Somehow I started over. They started me on dance lessons early when I was young, like a five, and it wasn't to learn how to dance. It was learned how to fall down properly, but it's hard to be on the right Help. I mean, my mother said, You know, I started you on dance classes. I said, No, because everybody in our family is a klutz. I kind of like.  Oh well, thank you. Well, it helped because I actually ended up becoming an athlete. And it went from dancing to gymnastics and, a love for that. And I asked my dad for trampoline, and finally he bought me one because he was trying to get me away from the bad crowd that was in our neighborhood. Umm, but what that did is it brought the gymnast and the athletes over to jump on the trampoline that lead to getting a degree in physical education. And then it kind of just all fell into place. I mean, somehow I ended up in a crazy group of Tupperware ladies. When I was 15 years old and what they taught me about with how to, um, on self improvement. Because I had so much sickness around me. I started reading about meditation and yoga that you know well when I was 15 years old,

spk_0:   4:13
That's wonderful!

spk_1:   4:13
It started early. But then later on in life, I got a sore throat and I couldn't get rid of it. So I went to the Doctor, he gave me  antibiotics. Then they came back that we got rid of the soul throat, then it came back. So I went to the doctor, gave me more antibiotics.  Sore Throat went away, and then it came back in about. There has to be a better way. So I went to a natural product store and they gave me a tincture and it got rid of my sore throat. And that led me down the natural holistic health part of it. The whole enchilada - nutrition movement, stress and lifestyle choices, Yes, and learning about the things I wish someone had told me about years ago.

spk_0:   4:56
But isn't that wonderful that your path unfolded like that and it is your passion and you have done all the studies for three decades and you can bring so much information to help other people and make a difference in the world.

spk_1:   5:06
Yeah, I just You know, every time I'm doing something I'm reading or studying about it, it's all around me and my husband. always feel like, Oh, stop learning and you're gonna get confused like, No, I love it. It's my passion and it's my drive. And my father just passed a couple of months ago, and, um, it really made me really understand what I have in my heart and my soul, how important it is to really get it out there on a bigger scale because there's so many people that can benefit from learning these things. And I love it. I mean, I just dig it so much. It's like if in my it's my mission in life,

spk_0:   5:47
It's in your genes - big time!

spk_1:   5:49
It is if I can help one more family. The goal is thousands of other families avoid dealing with people with chronic illness. I have fulfilled my mission on Earth, and that's where I am here.

spk_0:   6:02
And I understand Sorry to hear about your father. People have already heard on this that I lost my brother October 31st of 2019. And it really got our attention as a family again. It kind of wakes you up and say, Well, life is truly a gift and, you know, live it fully every day. And health is a big part of it in our energy and our lifestyle, because if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.

spk_1:   6:25
Oh, yeah, It's like yesterday somebody was asking what them? But you had one word to live by. What would it be? Well, love and freedom come to mind. But you know, what about one of my number? One values is health. Because if you don't have it, you can't do anything else. No. Right then. So it's such an important thing, and it gets put on the back burner because we're all busy, you know? And it's just trying to find fun and easy ways to fit it into our life without sacrificing the schedule that we already have. And our business and our family life.

spk_0:   7:01
Yes. And the other thing is, if people and we're gonna talk about that, you know, you put this on the back burner, then one day you don't want to wait until a crisis hits. You want to be proactive? You don't want to wait and be reactive. Um, you know, then you're in a whole different place where you're coming from.  Sandi you tell me what some of the - or one of the biggest challenges that your clients come to you with. What are they facing? How do you give them those first baby steps to start being healthy for life?  

spk_0:   7:29

spk_0:   7:30
Big question.

spk_1:   7:32
I think one of the main things is how do I fit it all in? How do I fit family? Um, my business life, my health and all the other things that go. But, you know, how do I fit that into my already crazy schedule and keep my body and my my life becoming a hot mess? Right. So one of the things is I mean, my secret thing is like, eat - is food and you know, it's a whole wholistic mind, body spirit, soul approach. But you have to start with the food because one of the things I learned years ago is you can't out work out. A, bad diet. And what that means is so many times I hear athletes going well, Yeah, I had this, meal and it was like da da the da.  I'm gonna run for two hours or whatever. o. To workout that meal, you've gotta go like someone would take, like 20 hours to do. It's impossible. That's not to say that we have to stay at 100% because that's the other thing is so many of my clients say, oh I cheated or I get this or that. It's OK. We are human and one of my mentors said long ago, when we start making mistakes, that means we're six feet under right? And so it's just developing like a 80 20 balance kind of things, so starting to eat clean. And that means eating more real foods and fewer process food. It's a simple way of eating, and it's a way that improves our health and well being. But it's different than, unfortunately, what we call our sad diet are standard American diet, where it's processed foods and sugars and all the convenience foods that are out there and that make it. I'm putting quota quote marks in the year easier for us But it's like when I don't know why they call it fast food, because first you have to drive there. Then you have to order it. They have to pay for them. You have to await for it and to drive home. And I was talking to my mail lady about that. She and the next time I saw her she said, I was thinking about you the other day, I went into a Chinese restaurant and I thought I was going to get in and out, she said, I could have gone home and made it faster. And now the thing is, you can make it faster with the food that you know are healthy for you and without all the process, extra chemicals and things that they put in our foods. So an easy things like instead of having a banana nut, muffin,eat a banana and some nuts.  It's just over under complicating it and replacing the process foods with fresh  natural foods. The other day I ran out of the house with a cup in my hand, but it had blueberries and some cut up bananas and some academia nuts. It was like, Oh, there's my fast food on the go in the car. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

spk_0:   10:31
So tell me, like a lot of people, busy families, not a lot of some people I've known with young Children. They have all those bananas and oranges there, and they have their whole family going out of the house with smoothies. So is that something that you think that you tell your clients, to start making smoothies instead of going through a drive through?

spk_1:   10:49
You know, there are plus and minuses of Smoothies.  It depends on where you're at and hey they are 10 times better than going through drive in. But a lot of times people start. But when they start with smoothies, they start with too many fruits in there.

spk_0:   11:06
Too much sugar?

spk_1:   11:06
So. Yeah, so you're just loaded with sugar, So then you're going to get that same sugar rush and then crash an hour or two later. But it is better than all the chemical laden foods that are in a fast food place that you would just drive through and pick something up. But if you could incorporate some vegetables in there and do it slowly, you know I mean it. My husband's not always been on track with me, and he's gradually over the years, even if it had any green in it in the smoothie, all he didn't have anything to do with it, and now he's realizing that that's really important. So it's like You can't take your healthy lifestyle to go from A to Z.  Take it from A to B to C and then work your way to Z right?

spk_0:   11:52
Yes, that is the baby steps.

spk_1:   11:54
Exactly, and your body can't handle that in the digestive system like people go. Oh, I'm gonna add more fiber to my meals, and what they do is they go in and they they add more vegetables and fruit. And then they get all bloated and can't understand why. It's because, first of all, they did. The digestive track is all mucked up, and for it to fluid, really, it needs to adjust slowly and to clean out the digestive track as you're going. And that's cleaning up your act and getting a cleaner lifestyle. By getting not only good foods but adding physical activity in your day, getting enough sleep at night and one of the main things that I found it as an entrepreneur. It is managing stress in healthy ways.

spk_0:   12:36
Uh huh. Yes. Stress is a big one and being anxious and, you know, with different things happening in the world and just diving into the news and versus really focusing on, like, you know, your health and eating and all the rest of it. Sandi, can you tell us when you're saying that today and with the bloating of somebody dives in and they just don't know, you know, because they're not used to doing that. We have this leaky gut syndrome that, you know, no syndrome that he got that people have today. What is that all about and why are people more people having that problem and digestive disorders? And what foods would you recommend people to eat and not eat regarding that he got in digestive disorders?

spk_1:   13:19
You know that's the mile high question everybody so different. And there are no ideal diets, and everyone begin, There's always bad diets out of the keto and the paleo and low. You know this and low fat. The one thing I don't recommend and I'm not a doctor, but the low fat diet got us into big trouble. And our bodies were meant to have fat to give the energy to our brain and to our stomach and to our bodies, so don't be afraid of fat. But there's a difference between the fats that you find in processed foods and the good fat like coconut oil and olive oil and avocado oil and all these wonderful oils that are out there that Mama Nature made and aren't processed at all. Canola Oil. There is no canola plant, and so going through and finding foods that you can actually pronounced the ingredients. Yes, I mean adding foods that that idea we have less than five ingredients. I do have food things in my, you know, in my closet and my coverage here that have more than five ingredients. But you can actually read them. You can actually pronounce them like I was looking through with a client about crackers, and she was saying, Oh, you know I am. I guess crackers are out and I said, Well, no, not necessarily. But it's looking at the ingredients that are in your crackers and looking at whether you can pronounce them or not. And when I looked at the ingredients in the crackers, she was talking to, they had sodium acid phosphate.  I don't know. That's not in my dictionary.  And then I showed her my favorite cracker brands, which had all organic versions of short grain brown rice. Full Quinoa, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, you know. And then it literally went down the water so, organic seaweed, black pepper and organic herbs. There wasn't anything that said natural. There wasn't anything that said words that I couldn't pronounce. All clean foods and it's focusing on quality first and not letting things like Zero fat, zero trans fat, low sodium or sugar free.  Bullying you into thinking process food is healthy. It's like instead of looking at the the front of a box or a can, which you know we're going to use them. It's It's unrealistic to say that people are gonna always have fresh food at their disposal. But if you are least make wiser choices, so when you look at it that the food is not processed in a way that's unhealthy,

spk_0:   16:03
so you're sharing what's on your shelf and in your kitchen. What is your feeling about organic food? A lot of people say, Oh, it's too expensive or is it really organic when it says that like people aren't necessarily trusting their store, that they go by that. How did people really find out? First of all, is it really the true real deal - organic and how much organic do you tell your clients to bring that into their diet? Or what's your What's your feedback on that?

spk_1:   16:28
Oh, that's a great question. Organic. Excuse me, Organic. Basically, everything in my house is organic, and, um, the fish is not farmed, so it's been wild. So, it's not what you eat. It's what you eat, eats. So if you have meat that has been pasturated and they call pasture right or grass fed that is higher in omega threes, which we have an imbalance. We need both omega threes and Omega Six is, but we are usually deficient in threes because all of the other process food has a lot of omega six, in it.  So, the balance that out, it's not bad to eat meat. It's better to eat meat that has been raised properly that has been treated humanely, not shoved into barns with 100 cows in one little area and chickens that are left to range and feed on all the little stuff in the yard and in the garden, in the areas where they're grown up and not fed, force fed things that they're not supposed to be eating. i.e. corn.

spk_0:   17:48
And the trauma for the animal, and then you're eating that trauma.

spk_1:   17:51
Exactly, and actually even the way that they're butchered or in because. But if they're raised in a healthy, wonderful environment, they're usually processed in a healthy warm environment and loving, and it makes such a difference. My assistant has been with me for like 11 years, she came from Canada and she and her family and grew product produced. But they also raised cattle. And she said when she moved to the United States, she couldn't even get near the meat because it smelled her. It smells different because it's just raised differently.

spk_0:   18:27
She was really very sensitive to the too.

spk_1:   18:30
very yes,

spk_0:   18:31
Where a lot of people aren't. I know that when I eat organic meat, I'm not used to that richness. So it's a different taste totally where my husband was brought up in the country and they did have cattle and also, you know, and moose and animals they killed for food.   And they ate it, you know, he was used to that kind of taste. And it's what you get used to those taste buds through the years. But we don't also we I can't even eat farm fish like I know as soon as I eat it I feel sick. So I know I always go wild Sandi, you shared that food has vibrations and we all know about vibrations you and I do and how it can change in our bodies on a cellular level. So we, you know, we're eating more high vibrational foods. Tell us about the vibrational. How can it change our bodies at that cell level? And what foods would you recommend? Just a few.

spk_1:   19:22
Well, I mean, let's go right back to organics. I mean, doesn't have great vibration on the opposite side. You've got genetically modified foods. The G M O's. Um, we're gonna talk about a few things you just asking about before too, the gut and organic. And now, GMO.   I about 13 years ago realized that my digestive system wasn't even as healthy as I thought it was. So I went out and took me forever to realize that I was, um I went gluten free, and I felt relief right away. But then what I found out is I'm not actually allergic to gluten, grains. I'm allergic to genetically modified wheat and finding that more and more people that I talk to you when I ask them to say if you can't make any changes from going from regular to gluten free bread or you know that any kind of grains, try GMO free and that means organic when it's organic, it cannot be genetically modified. And with all of the pesticides and the antibiotics and all the things that are put into foods and the things we eat, if we can find the foods that are free of pesticides and fertilizers and because the way that it affects you not only influences our body but the planet and sustainable food supply, So it goes much further than even our own bodies,

spk_0:   20:46
Yes, well, this show is all about, you know, raising our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and the planet. So, yes, I love that you shared that and about this gluten free in the GMO and that, Why is it today? Like when I went to school? Peanut butter sandwiches, you know, on white bread was the real deal where today we have these peanut allergies with people. Why did that start up

spk_1:   21:09
Well, that started right from that Wonderful Wonder bread company?

spk_0:   21:13
Yes, that's what we had!

spk_1:   21:15
That is what we grew up with and what they did is they took the wheat that we were growing up on, and they thought, Wow, people don't have time to be the men to go run the store and get their meat in one place in their food and their bread, Another place. And they're they're producing another place. So they thought, How about if we extend the life off that week? So they stripped it of all that good stuff on the outside and knee and added some other ingredients that made it have a long shelf life. And that's another thing to you. Find things. I have a really long shelf life. Chances are it's got things in there to keep it from, you know, from disintegrating in front of you are molding. In fact, one of my friends was telling me that her husband started training at Whole Foods and he was sitting there and the trainer had a bag of McDonald's in front of her. And he's like, Why did she have a bag of McDonald's in front of her, we are at a Whole Foods training and later on she pulled it out without a bun, and she pulled out the center quote, marks meat and show them that had been in her refrigerator for two years. And there was no molds, there was nothing, no decay. It's frankenfood, and that's what a lot of us are eating when we go out to these fast food places so fine it's going back to creating, replacing packaged foods with homemade versions from salad dressings to energy bars, um, and energy bars. A lot of times seem to be the healthy choice, but if you look at the ingredients, they're loaded with sugar. They're loaded with a lot of those things that we really don't need.

spk_1:   23:01
Somebody called it rectorian eating because going back to a time before things like frozen chicken nuggets and all of the other convenience foods that we have, however, um, something that's coming up and become very important in the natural foods world, is packaged healthier packaged refrigerator food because they see a lot of us grabbing things from the refrigerator in the freezer. And so what they're doing is they're looking for products that are, not only made in a different way, but they have different kinds of healthier. Um, we call it prepared food, so they're that they're made out of different kinds of shelf stable products. But they're made with fewer preservatives or different preservatives that are healthier.

spk_0:   24:04
Like they have lentil burgers, non meat burgers. Like all these new things they now have out. 

spk_1:   24:10
Mmm. Okay, that that was a good one as well. And that one's one that you really need to read the ingredients on these these these non meat like, What's the word that they say?

spk_0:   24:21
Non meat some of them, some say lentils. Some say bean burgers.

spk_1:   24:25
Yeah, they are a great alternative, and more and more people are saying less meat and more fruits and vegetables. Really, that is one thing that I really recommend is looking at the ingredients and making sure that they're made from natural ingredients and products that contains legumes and that's going up. The production of products containing legumes and nuts and allergy have been growing in the last three years. I go to the natural product show every year, and those are things that have been really, showing up on a much larger scale.

spk_0:   25:00
I think people were becoming more aware of what they're eating, too, you know, before I don't think so much. Now people are looking at that. Can you share some of the food myth mysteries that are out there? And how do you bust through these?

spk_1:   25:17
There are so many. It's like, OK, this is the biggest one and it's like fat is bad for us. I think that's probably one of the biggest myths right now, and we're so trained to look for things that are low fat, and it's the one thing that has not worked at all. If you look at our population when we when the United States finally put into this, you know big campaign and low fat is better for you. It turned out to be a disaster. We have all been gaining weight. I just posted something in my private group the other day showed where we have gone in weight gain. They were probably two states that were, um, above 20% fat in 1980. And now we're down to about two that are under 20. So we're down to Hawaii and I think I'm almost positive it was Texas, But funny enough, those two states are the only two that have below 20% that, uh, the people that are overweight by that amount. And it's crazy. So we're riding down a slippery slope in the wrong direction. So the fat, low fat is not working, but good fats, good, healthy fats and limited. I mean, I grew up in Minnesota. I grew up with steak and potatoes and cheese and all that good Midwestern food, right? Um, and there's nothing wrong with those things in a lower quantity. Right? And And that goes back to the 80 20 that we were talking about in the beginning. Yes, but when you can focus most of your diets on, uh, and diet, I mean by lifestyle, not losing weight. If you could focus on mostly vegetables and then doing that more around that.  So, when I talk to my clients, we look at the balance between veggies and fruit and produce and meat and all and greens and trying to incorporate more greens and vegetables into our diet but not eliminating meat completely. Because those who do vegan, there are some that successfully do it well, but here's where ancestry. If our ancestors digested meats easily or grains easily, then the chances are we will. But that doesn't mean that the person next to you, like my husband, he doesn't process meat very well. And so he, you know, is cut that down really low. I grew up in a Scandinavian background, so that helps me to digest it well, but I don't eat as much as I did before of the meats.

spk_1:   28:06
Same here, Yes.  Sandi tell us how does food really affect our moods, because when we're anxious and stressed because that sometimes when people reach out for whatever that food is for them, let it be like something like ice cream or or chips or cookies or chocolate. And you know, how does if we eat the what foods would you say to reach for?  I know Berries and all that, but you know, how do you help your client's not reach for the other food? And how did they change their habits around that?

spk_1:   28:38
Well, there is a word that they don't want it want to hear, but it's mindset, and it's really I don't focus so much on eliminating things as I do adding things when you think the mind goes like this when you say you can't have something, guess what you want it.  Then we look at those better habits, and how can we take those and make them even better? Have until it finally becomes a real habit. And when you reach for something, you're reaching for something that is going to nourish your body and give you the energy and the stamina and the vitality that we all need to get through a day.  So, I see so many people that are addicted to caffeine and the first thing they do is they have coffee. And I'm not saying I don't have coffee in the morning. I enjoy a cup of coffee, maybe even a large one. And so it's not cutting out caffeine completely. But when I look at Starbucks and I see the lines night and day and night and day, I get concerned because people aren't just, you know, their adrenals are being so depleted. So when you start eating better and you start making better choices, your body starts getting more energy. You have better looking skin, your waist line goes down. I mean, it's so amazing, even just doing deep breathing exercises before you go to grab something and just taking a step back, take a few seconds to say, Do I really want this? And then it's what I really tell my clients is like, Is this food going to give me energy or is it going to take it away?

spk_0:   30:17
Good question. You know I have in our cabinet. We call it our wellness chest, different natural products that we've had all the time and in our home, like we've had arnica and calendula for three decades. We use it all the time. What are a couple of your top three that you would suggest for people to put into their wellness chest?

spk_1:   30:38
Well with the news right now, and I don't want to get into that at all, but I mean vitamin C. Don't dismiss a little thing, like vitamin C.  We have increased our vitamin C and just in doses that are throughout the day instead of just one chunk of it morning. But vitamin C, magnesium, selenium, chromium, all our great immune builders and with all of the, you know, the flus and just people getting sick and stressed out, those things help to regulate your body and make it feel better. But, um, food, healthy food and doing meditation and yoga, something to balance out your body. Those are all really important so that you will have weight loss. Your skin will get clearer. Your mental acuity is better. Your immune function is better, better digestion and because it's not what you eat, it's what your body digests.

spk_0:   31:43
So we're in spring time now, which is a great time of year. How do people clear away the toxic buildup from winter and restore that inner balance?  

spk_0:   31:52
Mmm. Well, (big questions!).  You know what fasting used to be, really, either for the people who were like, really gurus or and it was really poo pooed for a long time and intermittent fasting is really coming in, and I found it to be very safe and easy if it's done effectively. But even just starting with eating earlier in the evening, and not going to bed on a full stomach? So giving 2 to 3 hours, ideally three hours before you go to bed and then waiting for another 12 hours gives your digestive track a break. It gives it a rest, and it helps your body digest. The food's better and helps you assimilate or take in the nutrients that you're actually eating. So I really I really work with my client's on intermittent fasting and doing it really easy. It's not like two or three days it is not even a whole day. I do really, really light version of it, but also in my freebie, which we will get to later, there are some what I call a reset, a reboot. They're just really light things that help you. If you took a couple days of eating just like that, it'll help clean out your digestive system and give you more vitality.

spk_0:   33:18
That's wonderful. I think people are really gonna enjoy that for sure. I know I'm going to do it. So I said he share with us one of the, that comes to your mind, a really powerful story of transformation that one of your clients had. Where were they when they came to you and what was the results that they achieved In what time?

spk_1:   33:38
Well, because I've had digestive issues, I seem to attract a lot of people with digestion or energy.  

spk_1:   33:45
You know, it's digestive challenges and energy and again it comes down to is not what you eat. It's how your body digests it picks energy to process the food in your body. And if it's running smoothly, it's gonna process it better. And instead of grabbing sugars and other things that were going to give us that quick fix and then give us the quick crash, it's just learning how to regulate everything so that you're able to slowly progress into a better diet.

spk_1:   34:18
ou know, it's digestive challenges and energy and again it comes down to is not what you eat. It's how your body digests it picks energy to process the food in your body. And if it's running smoothly, it's gonna process it better. And instead of grabbing sugars and other things that were going to give us that quick fix and then give us the quick crash, it's just learning how to regulate everything so that you're able to slowly progress into a better diet. I also want to touch on this IBS irritable bowel syndrome. Another thing that we never you know, heard about before. But many people are saying they have that now. Is that when you get all the kind of eating that we eat, the fast food and that Our

spk_1:   34:34
You know, it's digestive challenges and energy and again it comes down to is not what you eat. It's how your body digests it picks energy to process the food in your body. And if it's running smoothly, it's gonna process it better. And instead of grabbing sugars and other things that were going to give us that quick fix and then give us the quick crash, it's just learning how to regulate everything so that you're able to slowly progress into a better diet. 

spk_1:   34:34
I also want to touch on this IBS irritable bowel syndrome. Another thing that we never you know, heard about before. But many people are saying they have that now. Is that when you get all the kind of eating that we eat, the fast food and that Our

spk_1:   34:35
That's part of it. Yeah, the fast food, all of the different scientists are being hired by a lot of these companies to create foods that we become addicted to. I know we don't like to think so, but even when you walk by like a Cinnabon in the mall and get you could smell it everywhere. It's like oh - gotta have that right. So it's trying to find out where you can, you know, eat safer and healthier because with IBS, it's stress and you know your brain. We have three brains, really, the brain that we think with the brain that is our digestive track. And that's what people start calling the second brain and then the brain that we ever in our gut feelings. Right. But that second brain, our digestive track, this is responsible for 80% of our immune system and because we're putting garbage in as I say, garbage in garbage out, right? Yes, we put more stuff in. That's bad. We're going to get IBS, we're going to get gluten intolerance. We're gonna get allergies were going to get sick more often. All of those things are combined when we don't live a healthy lifestyle. And I work on a holistic, and we're only talking a lot about food today, but it's really getting the movement in moving and moving ways that you know your body loves. I mean, people think they have to go to the gym to work out. No, what you're doing, your kids. I try to help people find a fun way off getting healthy, and it's like tasty, quick and easy fun foods. But also how do you fit healthy living in and get exercise without feeling like it's drudgery and you have to get there. All of those emotions goes into our stomach and into our digestive track, and they create stress. And when the body gets overstressed, things happen in our digestive track where little holes start forming in our digestive track. And that's what the leaky gut is. Yes, everybody is so different. It's hard to take and make a general statement about ideas or, um, even gluten intolerance. Or any of those, it's really going down to How is your body taking in food. What kind of stress? What kind of lifestyle are you living? And then that helps you to get a better and gut. I mean, It took me years. I used to have allergies. I used to get hay fever, allergies. I was allergic to, um down feathers, down pillows and, of course, gluten. And now, when I go to parties, or if I end up somewhere like we went out the other day for lunch, I just watch the kitchen. I was like, Oh, my goodness, there is so much cross contamination in there. But I do take my digestive enzymes, pre-biotics and probiotics. Those things are really  integral to fit together into a plan to help with all these, I've found over the last 13 years. My allergies have almost gone away, and I don't get even when there's a cross contamination of gluten and in the foods that I don't have a problem with it. And that's how I find my clients are getting healthier guts and that gives them more energy and gives them, you know, more mental clarity.

spk_0:   37:57
And I think today too that people who are sitting at a computer all day long. I know for myself if I'm sitting and writing or doing something at the computer too long. If I don't get up and do stretching or go on the trampoline or just move, then I'm in trouble, you know,

spk_1:   38:11
Yes, rebounding, what a great exercise.  You know what? That is one of the best ways of getting and it's fun. And you be careful. And if they've got a handle on there is much better if somebody hasn't used to it. But oh, yeah, Rebounding. You talk about getting lymph nodes going, All the lymphatic system going, um, that's fund to me.  See, I love it, but that may not be fun to somebody else, but I took a think about what were you doing as a kid.  I mean, I was dancing, was riding bikes. I was going for walks, and playing with the dog. You know, All those things constitute exercising. In fact, know, what I love to do?  When football season is on, we got an open kitchen right to the family room, right? And so when my husband's watching football, I put in my headset and I put on someone motivating music and as long as I don't have a knife in my hand, I'm dancing. You can count that as exercise its movement,

spk_0:   39:08
Sandi, can you share the unique gift that you have created just for our listeners today, and you will be able to find all the links to Sandi's programs and your unique gift below this episode. Absolutely. Moira! It's called Five Vital Steps to Optimum Health.  It's talking about how to eat to live, and also I've included a full day mini reboot menu for the people who were feeling will extra stressed these days. That's perfect, Sandi and I know that I'm going to really enjoy it and our our listeners are fully going to enjoy this. So thank you for creating that for them. And thank you for sharing Sandi today from your heart and soul. Your wisdom on creating an energetic health style. 

spk_0:   39:50
Thank you for listening to the Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast with Moira Sutton.  I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Please join our community at www.moirasutton.com and continue the discussion on our Facebook page. Create the Life you Love.  You will be part of a global movement connecting with other heart centered people who are consciously creating the life they love on their own terms. Together we can raise our consciousness for the greater good of humanity and for our planet.

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